Sunday, 26 November 2017

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Resultatet for de ni månedene av testen var 600 - det er omtrent 25 per måned, ikke dårlig i det hele tatt for det automatiske handelssystemet. Bruke enLight Average Breakout Trader du trenger ikke å gjøre noen manuelle trinn Arbeidssystemet er fullt automatisert. Lyst Surfing - Som handelsekspert ogLight Surfing implementert en av de beste strategiene for den berømte russiske handelsmannen Victor Barishpoltsa. Trade-taktikk Barishpoltsa påvirker virkelig deres lønnsomhet. Dette har vi igjen sett siden etableringen av denne handelseksperten på en av handelsstrategiene. Selv et kortfattet blikk på rekordet av testen, kan du markere hovedpoengene av informasjon, for eksempel 1354 økning i innskuddet i seks måneder, som er om lag 50 overskudd hver måned Strategi med mer enn 90 lønnsomme handler - det er bare et godt resultat Verdi lønnsomme avtaler med tapmaking 14 1.And et myriade av andre ekspertrådgivere Her er en rask liste. 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Også mange indikatorer handelssystemer, ekspertstrategier, litteraturbøker, programmer.17 eksperter som deltar i et mesterskap i 2006 - ekspertene som deltar i mesterskapet i 2006 30 eksperter som deltar i et mesterskap i 2007 - ekspertene som deltar i mesterskapet i 2007 33 eksperter som deltar i et mesterskap mesterskapet i 2008 - ekspertene deltok i 2008 mesterskapet 1471 forskjellige forex ekspertrådgivere En annen 4 arkiveksperter - mer enn 200 I formater ex4 og mq4 Nye 100 rådgivere og ind icators Trader s Library - 36 kvoter Plus video leksjoner og sensitive teknologier TAACH. Indicator innominate - skrevet av en av mine utenlandske kunder Veldig lett å bruke hendene ned - garantere Selg, opp pil - warrant Kjøp Works på full damp På salg denne indikatoren vil ikke Finn Planskriver ekspert ved bruk av denne indikatoren, men med en ganske høy pris, og ikke for det russiske markedet. 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Programmer Converter HST i CSV, beregning av biorhythms, kalkulator mål for bevegelsen, 3 dekompiler EX4 til MQ4 217, 220, 224 1, en kalkulator for beregning av fortjeneste, forex ordliste, forex Electronic Program, sett indikatoren gjennom kontekstmenyen, kalkulator, beregning av Fibo, indikasjon på dagens markedssesjon, skjermsparer, Forex Tester - Forex emulator, Storm - prognose priser i de siste fem lysene, Bear QuoteTracker - aksjekurser, indekser, nyheter, Money Manager - utvalg av handelsstrategi, beregning av masse størrelse og åpne ordre, NewsUpdater - Viktige nyheter i et eget vindu, digitale metoder - beregning av filtre og mange andre programmer. ProgramForex 2009 - 148000 i 40 dager, med 3000 stable. Unique rådgiver som konsekvent ly øke innskuddet i en måned mer enn 40 ganger. EURGBP Euro vs Storbritannia Pund Periode 15 Minutter M15 Innledende innskudd 3000 00 Netto gevinst 148346 98 Brutto fortjeneste 157887 38 Brutto tap -9540 40 Profitt 16 55 Totalt 112 avtaler Korte posisjoner vunnet 36 97 22 Langtidsposisjoner vunnet 76 88 16 Gevinstbeholdninger totalt 102 91 07 Tapssaker totalt 10 8 93 Maksimalt antall påfølgende gevinster overskudd 29 66471 13 tap påfølgende tap 2 -352 10 Maksimal konsekutiv fortjeneste av gevinster 66471 13 29 påfølgende tap av antall tap -1535 25 1 Testrådgiver Status 2009 01 20 28. januar 30. januar 2 4 5 02-6 02.ForexPlatinum 2009 v2 1 multipliserer balansen 50 ganger. Meget pålitelig og stabilt inntektsgenererende system I hvilket vi har investert åtte år erfaring med vellykket handel på FOREX. In ForexPlatinum 2009 v2 1 - forbedret algoritmanalyse og inngang i markedet ForexPlatinum kan fungere med et innskudd Bruk en 21 Unikke tekniske indikatorer når du foretar handelsbeslutninger Fungerer på hvilken som helst pe riod Kan jobbe på én konto for de ulike handelsinstrumentene samtidig Sam vellykket skille ordrer og sjekker bare for de ordrene som viste seg. Du trenger ikke å gjøre, er ikke hvilke optimaliseringer Advisor automatisk justerer seg til markedsforholdene og er fullt forberedt på å jobbe rundt klokke.2009 01 01 00 00 - 2009 05 29 Innledende innskudd 500 Netto gevinst 27 585 På forespørsel få tilgang til å investere i overvåkingskontoer. Forex-programvare Cash Hammer. Cash Hammer for å gjøre handelsbeslutninger ved bruk av lysanalyse Når lysene ble dannet og bestemt trenderådgiveren går inn på markedet, åpner stillinger BUY eller SELL Advisor handler uavhengig i begge retninger Hvis for eksempel transaksjoner i retning BUY ikke er ferdig, men det startet trenden omvendt, er rådgiveren tatt med på den nyopprettede trenden A-posisjonen , gått i mindre utgang i systemet uten tap av Smart YTG. Systemet med Smart YTG ble utviklet i vår kampanje og nylig intr dirigert alle nye eksperter Dette systemet bruker en algoritme uttalt utgang uten tap minus elementer ved hjelp av et rutenett av avventede ordrer. Det kan til tider redusere innskuddet av innskuddet. Bruk bare regnskapsrådgiveren til det totale antall ordrer i markedet og deres felles overlapping i begge retninger for mer nøyaktig og raskt å fikse fortjenesten uten å bruke Averaging Line TakeProfit Advisor for å opprettholde en permanent balanseberegning for alle posisjoner i lys av nyoppdaget i avledningen av balansen i en bestemt gruppe bestillinger, lukker dem ved en fortjeneste, og stiller posisjonen for å gå med trenden i markedet for å maksimere fortjenesten. Rådet er motstandsdyktig overfor plutselige bevegelser og rotasjon av sitater, da det reagerer raskt på den forandrede situasjonen, og henter trenden. Valutahandelspar EUR USD, GBP USD , USD JPY, GBP JPY, EUR JPY Tidsramme M30 Utnyttelse 1 500 Sitater 4 og 5 tegn Fortjeneste per måned til 170 Indikatoranalyse dannet lys Inngang i markedet KJØP, SALG PENGESTYRING ja Type handel moderat. Husk 90-95 av alle forhandlere mister penger i Forex markedet. EEKEKA vil ikke la deg komme inn i en mengde tapere, og du vil være i samme 10 av det overskuddet i Forex market. EUREKA er ikke et kasino og pokerspill. Våre eksperter bruker et handelssystem som bruker Stop Loss og motsatte stillinger. Ekspertfeller i slottet på penetrasjonsoscillering sitater i korridoren på 40-60 poeng og uansett hvilken vei opp eller ned sitatet slår korridor EUREKA går ikke nedtelling markedsposisjon på mer enn 25 poeng, blir stadig endret og StopLoss TakeProfit avhengig av situasjonen og retning eller omvendte sitater og resultatet er alltid lukning av alle posisjoner til fortjeneste Hvis en sterk trending flytterådgiver går bare med trenden og fortjenesten Handlingsalternativer valutapar - GBP USD, EUR USD Tidsramme - hvilken som helst Type handel - innen en dag, aggressiv Inngang til markedet - KJØP STOPP, SALGSTOP Alternativ garanterer - en modifiserbar Ta fortjeneste, Stop Loss Indikatorer - ikke brukt Profitt per måned - opptil 200.1900 Unikt Hand Forex Trading System EYE fenomenal fortjeneste. Designet for manuell handelsindikator. Øyevinster allerede real. To bruke det trenger ikke omfattende erfaring med besittelse terminal MetaTrader4 og erfaring i analysere markedssituasjonen. Bruk det rett og slett må vi kunne åpne og lukke transaksjonen og analysere enkle grafiske mønstre av punkt og nivå indikator. Med dette systemet håndterer selv en nybegynner For proffene, ville det også være nyttig, spesielt for en slik latterlig pris. En av analysemetodene. Bildene viser et skjermbilde Som vi ser i de nest to mørkegrønne bildene EURGBP H4 og M30 situasjonen for dobbel analyse, ser han på H4-situasjonen hvis du føler deg bra for åpne poser, så se på M30 og se frem til bedre markedsinngang eller bekreftelse på situasjonen Parameter TimeLeft sa at før slutten av linjen ved TF forlot 24 minutter og 44 sekunder, hvis etter denne ti meg situasjonen endres ikke og prisen vil ikke falle, så kan du åpne posisjonen for å kjøpe - kjøpe Closure kan gjøres med en bakre fot, for eksempel avsnitt 30-40 Dette er en av alternativanalysen Det finnes andre alternativer som for eksempel bruk av nivåer av analyse, stiplede linjer kalt Zone XXX. Forex-Profitt Overføringssystem PIPSOLOVE-3.You vil ha lønnsomhet i Forex markedet Vil du føle effekten hver dag fra sitt arbeid Du trenger et kompetent handelsstrategisystem. Vi presenterer vår helt nye manual handelssystem PIPSOLOVE-3. Dette systemet er en logisk videreføring av utviklingen og kjente systemer PIPSOLOVE og PIPSOLOVE-2, som brukes av handelsfolk i nesten hele verden. Men fremgangen står ikke stille og det nye systemet PIPSOLOVE-3 i alle henseender bedre enn forrige. Basiske parametere PIPSOLOVE-3 - Basert på 8 bekreftende indikatorer - Brukes til tidsrammer M5 store valutapar GBPUSD, EURUSD, USDJPY Mulig å bruke på andre valutapar - Arbeid på systemet kan være rundt klokka ock Systemet gjør det mulig å fange hovedsakelig korte og mellomstore trender. Transaksjonssystemet utfører en handler manuelt i henhold til systemets regler med utseende av korrigerende signaler til hverandre indikatorer på systemet. På grunnlag av indikatorer for næringsdrivende kan også bygge sine strategier, eller legge til flere indikatorer valgfritt. GEPARD 4 2 NY MULTI CFD Hedge GARANTI. MULTI Advisor GEPARD 4 2 er den nyeste versjonen av den mest vellykkede og påviste rådgiver for multi-valuta trading i forex markedet. Advisor kan brukes å handle med noen av de tillatte verktøyene. I utgangspunktet ble det satt opp til handel og 28 store valutapar, 36 CFD CFD og metaller - GOLD og SILVER. Fordelen med denne rådgiveren er en omfattende analyse av nåværende status i markedet og å ta informerte beslutninger om diversifisering av åpne posisjoner. Advisor er installert på en tidsplan, noe valutapar, og selger samtidig over alle som har lov til å stille inn instrumentet ditt. Til å bruke en rekke handelsverktøy s, rådgiver sikrer risikoen for den generelle handelsporteføljen. I prosessen overvåker rådgiveren den åpne valutaposisjonen i hver valuta for å minimere valutarisiko. På grunn av at handel foregår i flere retninger, følger ikke veileder med en konsentrering om den åpne posisjonen, og åpner en parallellposisjon på andre instrumenter, og dermed kompenserer for risikoene og reduserer muligheten for en stor nedgang til null. Advisor er ikke pipsinger, hans arbeid har ingen krav fra noen av de kjente meglerne. Som rådgiver kan samtidig selge noen få verktøy, lønnsomhet i ganger større enn lønnsomheten til single currency-rådgivere. GEPARD 4 2 - Rådgiver for den nye generasjonen, slik at det ikke er begrenset til å handle bare ett eller flere valutapar, og bruke fullt potensial for the market and the whole range of possible tools of trade. MAJOR OPTIONS ADVISER.- Multi-currency, hedged trade currency CFD metals - Several trade strategies a trend as indicators o f Parabolic SAR, Stochastic, ADX, CCI , flat and trade on the retracement correction of motion - Trend Filters for the opening positions of the obstacles against the sustainable trend on indicators OsMA, PSAR, ADX - Additional filters for opening positions filter velocity of price movement, the acceleration filter, the filter restrictive levels, filter highs lows, filter absorption - Multiple mounting options stop-loss breakeven, fixed on the time spent in the market for dynamic trend indicator - Ability to support open positions with trailing - Ability to include inverted trade for cases where adviser gets in antiphase to the market - Ability to open positions only in the direction of positive swaps - Flexible system of money management MM task risk of trade or commerce fixed lots - Auto-type definition of the trading account and bit Quotation standard or extended quotes - Adviser himself configure options under the relevant terms of trade - Ability to resolve trade only BUY or SELL o nly on the various tools that can tie trade adviser to the results of long-term fundamental analysis - Ability to specify template names of currency pairs for trade in Brokers with nonstandard names of tools, such as EURUSDFfx - Possibility of deferred installation of SL and TP by modification of orders - Different service opportunities. As a result, all implemented modifications, compared with previous versions, the adviser sells more accurately, the results of trade became more profitable and stable The number of transactions decreased, but they have become more balanced and adequate market. Restriction on a minimum deposit of Advisors is absent, ie you can trade for any deposit But in order to minimize the risks of trade, we would recommend a mini-Forex 0 1 to begin with at least 20 000 , at the micro-Forex 0 01 - from 2000 If this is too big sum for you, then we recommend starting at Cent account For cent accounts given sum can be divided by 100 200 and 20 respectively. Naturally, the higher the deposit and the lower the level of risk, the better. Calypso 1 04 multi-currency and hedge. The latest version Adviser Calypso 1 04 This development is the most successful and stable income-generating Compared with previous versions - this will give odds in a month of trade. All that you ve seen this robot just rubbish The perfect trading system based on a robot capable of performing miracles Your deposit will widen your eyes What can bring more pleasure than a good profit. Unique algorithm adviser wisely arranges the order and fully controls the process of trade, reducing the risk of loss of deposit to zero Expert set up under any market conditions, which increases its range of application, and each can customize it to fit your favorite pair. Fully automatic operation ensures the best result, because the robot has no effect on the psychological factor, and he always followed the market He was not afraid of the lack of communication or electricity, your money under his complete control. Multi Advisor Calypso 1 04 Works on any pair, or on more than one It is based on a unique system that has no analogues Ability to work in 2 modes, both on foot and without stops, which allows you to optimize work under him The original trading system allows not collect stoploss and using a unique algorithm to hedge the risks and the likelihood of the deposit drain completely absent. Adviser decides when it opened and closed positions Fully automated trading with hedging for high profitability Where have you seen adviser, earning capacity as a trend, and against the trend at the same time New reversible feature allows fully restructure the work of experts under the changed situation on the market. To your attention video of an expert So what s new in the robot - Advisor does not use fixed lot Now the lot has become a dynamic and automatically calculated from available funds of your deposit This is an important indicator of the effectiveness of the expert, as a tester for a long pe riod, and in real trading Items must grow in proportion to the deposit, otherwise do not see a real drawdown - New feature of the deposit protection from force majeure, when the market breaks through the long candles against our orders In such situations, triggered an emergency closing of positions at a certain level - Set a fixed stop Voices for warrants at the request of the trader Effective function to protect your assets - An opportunity to clearly establish the number of open positions - Adjustable distance between the orders allows greater use of advisor in flat channels, also applies to short and long trends It is particularly effective working with enabled multiplying the lot - The ability to trade on several pairs, provides greater profitability with less drawdown Non-parallel work of other advisers, as well as manual work Your First Step into the world of financial independence. Cobra 1 1 Monitoring real, Videos Super profitable. Innovative Adviser Cobra ver 1 1.I present you t he best robot for forex trading He can only earn and do not know what a loss Become richer now much easier. The most reliable companion of your deposit Fully automated trading with accompaniment lot from opening until closing A robot that can work and earn money when it suits you Did not you are looking for. The algorithm underlying the adviser, completely eliminates the possibility of capital losses Strategy discovery orders like the movement of the cobra is selling at highs and buying at the lows And the moment of entering the market - the moment of attack cobra Many traders around the world have successfully used this strategy profitable Now it is available to you. You can use it on any pair He does not care where to earn He is not afraid of subsidence, lack of communication or requotes He just does its job Even it does not matter whether the market trend, or is a long flat - he adapted to it. Video on the strategy of an expert Ask your questions to the expert and learn all that you are interested. The main difference from previous versions is the use of a dynamic trade a lot, which allows, once configured robot, forget about optimization and capacity volume orders Now the lot is calculated automatically from the available funds in proportion to your deposit This fact is indicative of testing and optimizing the sales process and identifies the real drawdown deposit. Advisor can be used on one pair, and on several at once You can open up their orders, as his hands, and other robots, Cobra will not touch them. Added install a certain number of turned-down orders This allowed more efficient use of market movement at the moment outbursts purchases or sales The greater the movement against the order, the greater the potential profit of the expert And do not use Martingale The strategy is based smooth strengthening their positions, that does not load your deposit. Jumper - fully automated trading robot, created by the original trading strategies, tested on many real-life accou nts and stable income-generating Now the opportunity to increase their deposit is available to you. Created by professional programmers, the robot affects their work and profitability No matter what the trend in the market or flat, the robot takes its Your deposit will grow before your eyes. Advisor can be used on one pair, and on several at once You can open up their orders, as the hands, and other robots, Jumper will not touch them. A little about trading strategies - Work is a turn-down orders and orders from the market - Clearly define the point of entry into the market, which guarantees high profitable - Just exposed Stop Order - Advisor to be a trend Functions of the robot - Fully customizable options allow you to adjust to your style of trading - Should be clearly defined parameters and internal algorithms - Is fully automated trading without human presence. Get this robot and start to grow rich today Let envy you all Just a few months of ea and you will not have years to save money on long-deserved vacation or an expensive car Approach the dream and it will become a reality. Requirements for the depot and terminal - Platform Metatrader 4 0 - Currency pair any - Featured currency pairs EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY - Timeframe any - Brokers - any - Minimum deposit 10 - Minimum Lot 0 01 - Leverage 1 100 or more. He did not fear breaking the link, power or requotes, strategy provided the opening turn-down orders with fixed take and stop But then nothing can stop the work of an expert. Great profitable scalper. By presenting to your attention the latest adviser Parabolic More perfect than its predecessor. This is the newest advisor based on popular indicator Parabolic SAR Robot uses Fibonacci levels and based on them exposes takeprofit and stoploss, automatically calculating the size Conducts monitoring of the lot, pulling a trailing by necessity To calculate the lot size as a percentage of the deposit Can be used on any pair and any period I recommend for EURUSD for 15 min, al so showed well-behaved on GBPUSD 15 min Can be used on different pairs at once, which will give the best result Test for 2008 can be found here And for the last month here. The new version adds - Quick recovery of the deposit - The control function of open positions - Function better to enter the market With these refinements was the advisor to trade more profitably Remains of the old - Function calculate Fibonacci levels on the set maximum and minimum - Maintenance of open orders as a turn-down, and in the market - The ability to customize to any pair of any timeframe Robot tested on real accounts, and shows a stable income In the test for the last 3 months showed Initial deposit 10000 00 Net profit 149006 48 Profit 19 68 Expected payoff 2759 38 Absolute drawdown 200 00 Maximal drawdown 13628 60 16 10 Relative drawdown 18 45 2292 00 Total transactions in 1954 Short position won 24 95 83 Long positions won 30 93 33 Profit trades of total 51 94 44 Loss trades of total 3 5 56.Unique self - optimizing Advisor GoodProfit. Super expert, one of the latest developments in development advisers that s right for everyone As a newcomer to the trade, as well as experienced traders Fully automated robots do everything for you This robot is able to bring only profit And it is not just empty words Adviser to verify many traders on real accounts and it really brings results. The unique technology allows the trade of almost only positive transaction Advisor itself determines the best time of the beginning of trade, thereby obtains the best results. The statistics speak for themselves Profit 25 30 Expected payoff 382 00 Relative drawdown 21 16 Profit trades of total 122 91 73.And this is NOT FITTING results. The main feature is a function of robot self-optimization, which gives very high profitability You do not have to constantly monitor it and optimize, he does himself After a brief setup, you can safely put it on a demo or real There is no need to optimize for the year Enough to make it for the month, and already Adviser will optimize itself once a day and display the latest options that provides a very high profit. Even if you are inexperienced or novice trader, or want to forget about the constant reconfiguring adviser, then this system for YOU With tuning advisor I can help ea mt4.SUPER LED WKBIBS - the fastest oscillator. Super LED WKBIBS - is a new generation of oscillator with combined functions of the two indicators WKB and IBS. Suitable even for beginners. Suitable even for a beginner in forex but for the pros will further addition to the trading system WKBIBS Gives the earliest signals compared to the standard oscillator type Stochastic and differs from all turnout indicators does not issue false signals and not redrawn Turnout indicators such TrendSignal2008 not worth buying on a frozen schedule all nice, but they lag behind realtime tracing of giving a signal when it has actually ceased to be relevant, and the transaction will not it is advisable In WKBIBS not exist, it really is not much harder than visually Arrow but gives earlier and right signals. How to sell When the red line crosses top blue down a SELL, if the opposite red crosses the bottom of the blue from bottom to top, you BUY - all very simple, but important, as you can see the image very clearly, the signal is a price chart still relevant for the transaction in the right direction, unlike the switch indicators when it would be too late to open the transaction The rest, including the possible use trend filter and the preferred direction of transactions, you may find yourself, since I do not sell ready trading systems and sell indicator for the trading system, not to be confused, but as it turns out that all purchases require a clear TS and not Indicator. In any case, I am ready to work on the development of Trading System with each personally and individually if you will have a strong desire for something, so good except the files of the indicator is not part of the description. Tha nks Rashid Umarov Rosh for assistance in establishing an indicator. How do I set, I hope everyone knows, just adjust the color and thickness of the lines figure not touch, it s not for optimization, ie for testing. SUPER ADVISOR - IL Profit5 - PROVED EARNINGS. ONE OF THE MOST PROFITABLE, STABLE AND COMFORTABLE mechanical trading systems for FOREX today. It has a stable income, a unique algorithm of the first transaction and the system output moose deals breakeven by Martingale The system is flexible and uniquely profitable - a stable income up to 1200 in less than 1 year - checked A little fear can only be unpredictable jumps in prices for 500 or more points in the wrong direction, what happens during the economic collapse of any country, war, major terrorist attacks, etc This happens once in 2 years This can be found on TV and in advance to suspend operations adviser for a week or less, or use my patronage system with a flexible hand-MM, which in itself further increases profits. ILProfit1 5 is a program MTS, adviser, judge, or if you like shopping bot For Metatrader 4 0, which can be traded independently, with little interference of man himself The advantages of this method of trading are large and consist in the absence of human factor Our system should be clearly draws its algorithm can trade around the clock bringing even a novice trader to a stable income If you re on your own personal calculations do not like the open transaction, for example, because for them once enrolled, was minus swap although this is a penny , we can cautiously to suspend trade or as an alternative, use a special MM on my technique, as I ll tell you in a personal correspondence Expert is half scalpers because of the fact that the minimum TP can be equal to 7, plus the fact that no one broker does not prohibit its use on the realities of the features of a fully scalping systems with TA 1,2,3.FOREX are working on the news automatically - inNew. For more than 4 years of work in the FORE X market, I came to one conclusion the good result, without the huge overload of nerve, gives the so-called work on the news I do not include figures I am amazed that they lead others, even with such precision and certainty - just finish reading the description to the end No wonder at one seminar lecturer called the news SRT percent grain trader. Exit the important news is always clearly marked, and all market participants are waiting for the news with impatience All of you workers FOREX market have seen how the price, for example, after speeches Greenspan 100-150 points and this is a lot of dollars in profits, if you open a position in the right direction Surely all tried to chase the price, and someone turned out, and someone not. Auto expert for the installation or removal orders at the specified time and manual work at the output of important news Designed to work in the most popular trading terminal MetaTrader4.Buying Expert INNEW You will never be chasing the price It automatically installs the pending orders to buy and sell at a small distance from the current price before the news at the touch of a button And after the news is one of the orders will earn you profit. If you can not stay close to the trading terminal at the time of the scheduled release of news, will help you judge At the appointed time he will set the pending orders, withdraw if they are not executed within the specified time you state Will remove one order in the performance of another. Of course news does not always cause a violent reaction of the market, but the average is 1 every 2 days The guide on work at the output of important news, I explained the principle of work, about the calendar of economic news and the use of an expert. The expert works in any currency trading pairs and any timeframes. The guide to work at the output of important news very detailed rules for dealing with an expert Describe all variable parameters. EA Auto Profit Diler 5 1 90 profit, Forex 2009.EA AUTO Profit Diler 5 1 - it is automatic, developed in late 2008 by a group of developers Finans Plus Trading System for Meta Trader v 4 Upgrading an older version 4 7 to 5 1 occurred March 12, 2009.FEATURE PROVIDED FOR SALE. AUTO Profit Diler 5 1 - Advisor, which according to our calculations enables you to change your life and gain financial freedom, while making a deposit of 1000 already Improved unique algorithm that uses two standard indicator for market entry No adjustment for history Advisor to successfully distinguish itself warrants and checks only for those orders, which put itself You can trade independently on the same account, the adviser will not touch your orders The principle on which he works, is unique This method of trade is very convenient, expert never tired, does not feel any emotions, while continuing to trade at a predetermined strategy in any situation. The system will do all the work for you, it s very nice, especially to see real results at the end of the day. Works on real and demo account without interruption around the clock, even on Fridays without human intervention on OK. Pluses of the new version of Auto Profit Diler 5 1. No limit on transactions Low minimum deposit we recomme nd 1000 Protection from discharge deposit Platform Metatrader 4 0 Currency Pair Eurodollar Time frame H1 hour Forex market hours day and night on weekdays Brokers - any Number of transactions - at the same time 5 MM - Fixed Lot Performance - 800 per year Strategy - does not use a standard stochastic, has no system for Martingale, when you need a huge deposit Efficiency proved to demo, as well as live. EA Gold Shark ver 5 lucrative shark in the Forex market. Currency trading has now become a very common activity Nearly three trillion dollars daily turnover reaches the world currency market Forex FOREX - FOReign EXchange. At least 80 of all transactions are speculative, with a view to profit from deals in exchange rates Many financial institutions receive the bulk of their profits here. The reasons for this interest is understandable At the moment there is hardly an industry financial business, make it possible for a short time to receive an income, many times exceeding the initial investme nt. We present a unique advisor Gold Shark 5, which is one of the most recent and most successful developments specialists Finans Plus for trading on Forex Market 2009, which is suitable for almost everyone. The system is based on an exclusive algorithm using indicators that are included in the archive, which results in maximum profit. With EA Gold Shark 5, you ll have no special skills and special efforts in the proper setting to increase their capital Advisor is designed for people who value their time and money. Adviser set up to trade from conservative to risky. Platform Metatrader 4 0 Currency pair any recommended EURUSD Timeframe M5, M15, M30, H1 recommended by the M15, M30 Forex market hours clock Brokers - all we recommend Forex4you, Alpari Also in the parts supply includes settings that are constantly updated on our website Please do not use the settings for the other Brokers Profit - 20 - 150 per month depending on the risk and size of deposit Minimum deposit 500 in which the adviser trades , we suggest that from 3000 Opportunities Adviser - Entry into the market with three non-standard indicators - Possibility to use on multiple pairs multi-currency trade - Protection against false signals - Withdrawal of loss-making positions in breakeven with blocking and averaging - Support with trailing - Inverse trade - Stability in the market even at very volatile market. EA Volcano Premium v 7 0 - thought-out trade. Unique Adviser Volcano Premium v 7 0 is the latest innovation specialists Finans Plus for trading on the Forex market in 2009.As a re sult, all implemented modifications, compared with previous versions, the adviser sells more accurately, the results of trade became more profitable and stable. The advantage of this advisor is to complete the analysis of the current state of the market and make informed decisions based on analysis of historical data, together with the use of nonstandard indicator. With Volcano Premium v 7 0, you can no special skills and special efforts in the proper setting to increase their capital Advisor is designed for people who value their time and money. MAJOR OPTIONS ADVISER. Any currency pairs The ability to use on multiple pairs multi-currency trading Using the custom indicator VolcanoInd Ability to use for day trading Featured timeframes M15, M30, H1 The minimum deposit at the rate of 3000 per pair, on which trading adviser Advisor set to trade from conservative to highly risky Protection against false signals Filter for opening positions filter maximum minimum Ability to support open positions using trailing Ability to open blocking warrant Ability averaging loss Possibility of an inverse trade in the case of reversal of the market Service settings. Advisor on sale in the form of license ex4 file, it is compiled and ready for use in the terminal MetaTrader Forex robot can work on the account completely independently and does not require human intervention The kit is selling very detailed instructions for installing and configuring adviser There were no complications in the use of EA there, he can consistently and profitably operate with default settings. EA Better Trading Robot on the principles Champion 2007.Many were struck by a stunning success winning the 2007 Championship, where Better finish with the separation from the nearest competitor by more than 2 5 times. You submitted Advisor akaBetter, written on the basis of probabilistic neural network PNN Probability Neural Network It is based on principles used by the champion. A video illustrating the work of expert. Long before the end of the Championship-2007, we began to explore strategies for TS Oleksandr Topchylo At that time he has answered questions in a blog and forums Subsequently, a lot of information from public sources has been removed, but we left it. The possibilities of neural networks in solving the problems of forecasting can not be overemphasized, but it is not easy to use tool that requires some skill and time-consuming Six months of hard work it took us to write this expert We named it EABetter. Neural networks are not only powerful but also universal tool in solving problems of forecasting And for us not come a surprise that the adviser EABetter, being initially sharpened under the EURUSD, has shown no worse results as the other currency pairs, as well as for other types of markets raw materials, stock market, indices, futures, bonds, options, contracts for difference Backtests are made permanent, close to a real lot with a reasonable degree of risk drawdown , the presented serious investors The results for each individual instrument, show an increase in deposit 2-4 times per year of trading, which is very close to that of the Champion for real account list graph acc 2102 where one year deposit increased 3 5 times for EURUSD. It is clear that our trade adviser EA Better to multiple instruments simultaneously, will be made at times more the level of profit for risk diversification. This working Advisor Golden profit auto. Automated Trading System Golden profit auto profitable, stable and easy to use mechanical trading system for forex today. It has a s table income, a unique algorithm of the first transaction and the system output deals with no loss of Martingale The system is flexible and uniquely profitable - a stable profit from 3100 to 3700 for 1 year - checked on the real and demo. A little fear can only be unpredictable jumps in prices for 400 or settlements in the wrong direction , that takes place during the economic collapse of any country, war, major, terrorist, attacks, etc This happens once in 2 years. This can be found on TV and in advance to suspend work on the adviser for several days. Golden profit auto is a program MTS, advisor, expert For Metatrader 4 0, which can be traded independently, with little interference of man himself. The advantages of this method of trading are large and consist in the absence of human factor. System should be clearly draws its algorithm can trade around the clock bringing even a novice trader to a stable income Advisor is a half-scalpers because of the fact that the minimum TP can be equal to 5, plus the fact that no one broker does not prohibit its use on the real as opposed to completely scalping systems with TA 1,2,3.No adjustment for history Advisor to successfully distinguish itself warrants and checks only for those orders, which put itself You can trade independently on the same account, the adviser will not touch your orders The principle on which he works, is unique This method of trade is very convenient, adviser never tired, does not feel any emotions, while continuing to trade at a predetermined strategy in any situation. The system will do all the work for you, it s very nice, especially to see real results at the end of the day. Works on real and demo account without interruption around the clock, even on Fridays without human intervention on OK. Warning The recommended initial deposit of 50 5000 cents on mini accounts with a lot 0 01 Report Report real account gbp usd Period 5 Minutes M5 2008 01 02 09 00 - 2008 05 30 22 55 2008 01 02 - 2008 06 02 Initial deposit of 50 5000 cents Net income Total income 67602 95 79024 25 Gross loss -11421 30 Profitability 6 92 Expected payoff 58 03 Absolute drawdown 411 80 Maximum drawdown 44205 54 91 73 Relative drawdown 91 73 44205 54 Total transactions in 1165 Short positions won 479 74 74 Long positions won 686 74 20 Profit trades of total 867 74 42 Loss trades of total 298 25 58 Largest profit trade 1642 50 Losing trade -706 50 Average profit trade 91 15 Losing trade -38 33 Maximum number of consecutive wins profit 27 650 80 Consecutive losses loss 9 -3202 02 Maximal consecutive profit count of wins 2679 70 3 Consecutive loss count of losses -3202 02 9 Average consecutive wins 8 Three consecutive losses. Information Tech Features scalpers Golden profit auto. The complexity of the MTS He ll understand even the novice Possible errors will decide together Terminal Metatrader 4 The suggested tools any pair of currencies Period from M1 to MN months Minimum Deposit 50 5000 cents from 50 cent to the micro Profit up to 3700 per year depends on the shoulder, level lots and frequency of reinvestment Brokers Anyone with a micro 0 01 Lot, Mini 0 1 lot, or normal score a lot Recommendations, see above Forex market hours day and night on weekdays Reinvestment to reinvest or to increase the value of Lot, it is necessary after the news Non-Farm Payrolls NFP the first Friday of the month , for example on the second Monday of the month, so you will increase the total profit for a few tens of and protect themselves from the alleged force majeure With reinvestment of profits may be up to 3700 per year. The efficiency of MTS proved to demo during the 1 7 years at Real Madrid just for a shorter period Additional Information The archive kit includes EA in the com piled form, ie in ex4 format and ready for work Set files for optimization - templates indicators to determine the market movement - helper scripts file installation and optimization of the expert Golden profit auto. The most effective night trading robot NIGHTCASH v 2010 - Take a piece of pie night at the Forex Market. The robot is able to take all of your Forex trading and fully automate the extraction of profit from your account even while you sleep A revolutionary solution for you to perform analysis, comparison, decision-making on purchases or sales, opening and closing transactions for a continuous increase your deposit The robot was given at 3-week testing everyone the trader The effectiveness of the robot showed a very high rate, approximately 90 of winning trades and 10 losing, as a basis for the robot were taken ideas from the top 10 advisers this year, now is the best night s adviser, now you can buy and at a reasonable price. Robot forex works with all currency pairs 25 curren cy pairs from 21 00 to 05 00 am GMT during their lowest activity The idea of such trade is not new and was used by many before us, but offered you a product has a number of revolutionary innovations that will significantly increase profits and minimize losses Also one of the main advantages NightCash v 2010 is uncompromising reliability, which is important in such a dynamic market like the Forex when working with real money. So now you can buy really working, high performance product, which will pay off very quickly, and will continue to bring you a steady income Start trading with a real system and proven effectiveness. List of other material in the Forex software package. 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Common RSI , Cost Avg - Common RSI , CrackingTheForexCode, Critical Points , Critical Points1 , CriticalPoints, CriticalPoints V2, CrossMA, CSV producer , CSV producer1 , csvtohst, CurrencyProfits0 1, CurrencyProfits01 1, Custom, CustomCandle, CyAn5CG Oscillator , CyAn6RVI 1 , CyAn8FishStoch 1 , CyberiaTrader, CyberKreatif News , cyberkreatifBrainTrend1SingAlert, cyberkreatifBrainTrend1SingAlertMultiTime, cyberkreatifPivot, DRSI, Daily Scalp , Daily , Daily , Daily 20Open, DailyPivotPoints, DailyPivotPoints 2 , Damianivolatmeter, Damianivolatmeter 1 , Darma Pivots , Darma System Indicator beta , Darma 20Pivots, databriefaugust04, Day Chenel , DayChannel 28Mix 20edition 29, Daydream01, dayHL, DayImplus 1 1 , DayImplus 1 1 1 , DayImplus 201 1, DayImpuls, DayImpulsT3v3, DayImpulsT3v3 1 , DayImpuls1, DayImpulse, DayImpulse2DD, DayImpulseOverlay, DayProfitDelux, DayProfitSE, DayTrader, DayTrading, DayTrading Template , DayTrading 23SEP05 , DayTrading02, DayTrading02-a, DayTrading021, DayTrading022, DayTrading1, DayTrading1 23SEP05 , DayTrading2, DayTrading3, DayTrading3-a, DayTrading301, DayTrading301-a, DayTrading 5, DayTradingMind, DCGGBPJPYV40K3, DCGINDI2, Dealer Lots Management Manual , Dealers Trade v 7 89 ZeroLag , Dealers Trade v 7 89 ZeroLag , DealersTradev7, Decompiler 220 , DecoratorRonv01, DelanTradeExpoSystem 1 3 , deltaforce, demark, DeMark Trendline Trader , DeMarkLines, Demarktrendnew, DeMarker Pivots , DeMarker 20Pivots, deomed, deomed2, deomed3, DepoCalc, DERETZV1, Destiny, DewaMabokEA, DFC High , DFC Next , DFC Next a G , DFC Next1 , DFC 20Next1, diamond-power-t, DIAMOND POWER TREND , Diapazon, dict, dictipl, DigFiltr 1 , digistochversihad, Digital MACD , Digital PCCI filter , DigitalCCIWoodies, DigitalCCIWoodies2, DigitalF-T01, Digitscomment, Digitscomment 1 , Dinfibohigh, DiNapoli Fibo , DinapoliTargets, DinapoliTargetsAlertsLog, DinapoliTargetsAlertsLog 1 , Diver, Divergence, Divergence System , Divergence Trader , DivergenceCourse, DivergenceSystemComponents, DivergenceWiseman 1 , DivergenceWiseman1, DJLines 1 , DLMv1 1 1 , , , DM, dmi, DMICE, dmvsysV4-contest, DoGuEAv33, do jiarrows, dojiarrows expert , dojiarrows expert1 , DojiTrader, DojiTrader fxid10t mod , DojiTrader fxid10t mod1 , DojiTrader fxid10t mod2 , DojiTrader fxid10t mod3 , DojiTrader 23SEP05 , DojiTraderfxid10tmod, DojiTrader1, DojiTrader2, DOLLY 2 Metatrader , Donchain Channels , Donchain counter-channel system , donchian-scalper-1 0, Donchian Channels - Generalized version , Donchian Channels - Generalized version1 , Donchian 20Channels 20plus 20SD 20borders, DonchianChannel-mql-file, Dorian-Ashv1 0, DoskeTrading, DOSR, DoublePlayv4 5, DoubleCCI-WithEMA, DoubleCCIWoodies, DoubleMABreakOutEA, DoubleMACrossoverEA, dpCh2008v2, dpchempionat, DPO, DPO 1 , DrJekyllAndMrHyder8b, Dragonpips, dsm6, DT-RFTL, DT-RFTL 2823SEP05 29, DT-RFTL 23SEP05 , DT-RSI-EXP1, DT-RSI-Sig, DT-RSI-Sig 1 , DT-ZigZag, DT-ZigZag-ATR 1 , DT-ZigZag-Lauer, DT-ZigZag 1 , DTMACrossEA, dtmartingales, DTM, DTS1-Build814 1B-test, DUR, Dyntr, DYNAMIC Breakout Daily Rangev10 , Dynamic trend , Dynamic Zone RSI , Dynamic Zone RSI 01 SEP05 , Dynamic Zone RSI1 , Dynamic Zone RSI1 02SEP05 , Dynamic Zone RSI2 , DynamicPivotv3, DynamicZoneRSI, dynamiteTNTforexSystem, Dynamo Stochastic , Dynamo 20Stochastic, e-3-01, e-5mSARv 1 0 2 , , , e-book kuasaforex , e-Daniella, e-Friday, E-Glob - H1 500 0 1 sl 88 , e-News-Lucky , e-PassLevCCI-EMA, e-PassLevCCI-EMA1, e-Rainbow12, e-Trailing, e 3 0 , e 3 02 , e 2 11 5min GBPUSD , e 2 12 5min , e 2 13 5min Scalper , e 2 15 5 min scalper , e 2 16 5min Scalper , e 2 17 5min Scalper , e 2 18, e 2 19, e 2 20, e 2 21, e 3 01, e 3 01 10-Oct05 , e 3 01 11Oct05 , e 3 01 22 oct , e 3 02, e 3 03, e 3 04, e 3 05a, e303001, eTrailing, e1 3 01, e1 3 02, e1 3 03, e2 3 02, e3 3 02, E605, EA fapturbo , EA forex autopilot , EA Neuros Sharp Shooter 17209 , EA ROBOT , EA Tangga , eaAdaptTSv10Ron, eaAdaptTSv10Rona, EABankingFXUltraEuroUsdv2 8U, EABankingFX-Di, EACEMPLONLAGI, EAchampionship2007Renggliv02, EAGodzilla, EAGreezly2008, EAHigh-ProfitsEUR-USD2, EAHighProfitcomplex, EAHPEURUSDv6 0, EAmisakas, EASenyumSokMu, EASHARKULTIMATE, eaTrendFollowerv11MT4, EAVoltaren, EA11-Rebounce-Trader, EA12-Buy-Time, EA5-Bar-Trader-LT, EA7-Pivot-Champ, EA9-MST-Trader, EAcacusHedgev1, easc, EAsctrend using iTrend , EASY Method , EasyiCustomandAlerts, EasyWealthwithForexTrading, easydayea, EATangga-6-Real, eaTradeCloserRonMT4vrt, ebookKelasBelajarForex2ndedition, ECO, Edward-G, EES V Speed v1 1 , EFStarEA3 1FullBroco, eFXSI, eGideon, EJ 4H Method , EJ4H v1 0 , EJCandleTime, EJCandleTimeBlue, EJPivotDWM, EJSignal, EJTrend, elforex11, elder, elder 30AUG05 , elder1, EleMent6 0, Elevated311 0, ElevenElliottWave-fb1, elliot, Elliott Wave Oscillator , Elliott Wave Oscillator34 , Elliott Wave Theory , ElliottWaveAnalizer, ElliottWaveOscillator, ElliottWaveOscillator, EM12-21-89, EMA-CROSS, EMA-CrossoverSignal, EMA-CrossoverSignal 1 , ema cross , ema cross1 , EMA CROSSOVER SIGNAL , ema 20cross 20bar, EMA 20CROSSOVER 20SIGNAL, EMA51034Signal, EMA51034Signal 1 , EMA612, EMA6121, EMA6122, EMAAngle, EMACROSS, EMACROSS2, EMACROSS2RonModV7, EMACROSS2RonModV71, EMACROSS2RonModV7a, EMACROSS2RonModV7mini, EMACROSS2Fresh, EMACROSS2Fresh1, EMACROSS2FreshRLH, EMACROSS2tdavid, EMACROSSCONTESTHEDGED, EMACROSSDerkv01, EMAlevels, EMAlevels 1 , EMAPivot, EMATrendIndicator, EMAAngle, EMAAngle 1 , EMAAngleZero, EMAAnglezeroalert for EJ4h , EMAAngleZeroAlert 1 , EMAAngleZeroDT, EMABandsv1, EMABandsv1 1 , email, EMAOsMA, EMAPredictive2, EMC, Emelja, EncyclopediaofTradingStrategies, enLightAverageBreakout, enLightSurfing 1 3 , EnterraEA3 1, EntrySignal, EntrySignal. Envelope 2 1 , Envelope 2 11 , Envelope 2 11 23SEP05 , Envelope , Envelope 21 11 , Envelope 21 11 23SEP05 , Envelope 22 11 , envelope alert , envelope alert v0 2 , Envelopes, Equityv8, Ergodic, Ergodic Oscillator , Ergodic Signals , Ergodic 20Signals, Ergodic 1 , Essential Elements of a Successful Forex Trader , EURbruht v1 0 , EUREKAv7 0, EUREKAv7 1 1Evolution for0 01lot , EuroStrategies-fb1, eurox2mod, EuroXtream, eurusdcross, EvolutionVFinal, E VWMA, ew1, EWA, ex4tomq4224 1build, ExcaliburEurUsdDailyV3 5, ExitIndicator, ExMassv2, exoticwave, exoticwave 1 , Exp-Phantom v3 1 , Exp - VirtualTradePad v5 1 Installl , expiCustomv72, expiCustomv722, ExpSidus, expert, experts, ExtraWPR, ExTrendv2, EYEO. ZA, EZ Trade Forex , FAMA, FAMAMrPip, FAMAMrPip 1 , Fap Turbo v16 v23 v36 , Fapturbo23, FAPWinnerGridTader5NonExpired, Farhad, Farhad Hill Version 2 , Farhad Hill Version , Farhad Hill Version , Farhad1, Farhad3, Farhad3a, FarhadCrab-H1, FarhadCrab1, FarhadCrab1showingequity, FarhadCrab1showingequitymaxposSLBACKTESTONLY, FarhadCrab2, FarhadHill, FarhadHillV2, FarhadHillV21, FarhadHillV22, FarhadHillV3, FarhadHillV4, FarhadHill1, FATL 1 , , FATLs, FBS CandleStick Patterns , Feedback, FF Tunnel Chart , Fib Pivots , Fib Retracements , FibPivots02, FibPivots02 1 , fibcalc, FiboPivotLinesGMT, fibocalc, fibocalc 1 , fibocalcV3, fibocalcV3 1 , fibocalcV31, fibocalcV31 1 , fibocalc1, fibonacciebook, FiboPivv2, FiboPivv2 1 , FiboPivotandRSI, Fi boRetracement3, FiboRetracement3 1 , FiboRetracement3D, FibProgression, Filter overRSI , FilterAO, finbetting, Find Data Holes , fine-tuning-your-money-management, Finware, Firebird, Firebird i , Firebird i 1 , Firebird HMA i , Firebird MC v058 , Firebird MC v0581 , Firebird MC v0582 , Firebird MC v0583 , Firebird v0 50 , Firebird v0 50 26JUL05 , Firebird v0 51 , Firebird v0 55 , Firebird v0 56 ea , Firebird v0 57 , Firebird v0 57 ea , Firebird v0 57 8AUG05 , Firebird v0 58 ea , Firebird v0 58 ea 1 , Firebird v0 58 ea 2 , Firebird v0 58 ea 3 , Firebird v0 60 ea , Firebird v0 60 ea 1 , Firebird v0 61 01 ea , Firebird v0 61 01 ea 1 , Firebird v0 61 01 ea 2 , Firebird v0 61 01 ea 3 , Firebird v0 61 01 ea 4 , Firebird v0 61 01 ea 5 , Firebird v0 62 ea , Firebird v0 63 ea , Firebird v0 63 ea 1 , Firebird , Firebird , Firebird v0 64 , Firebird v0 65 , Firebird v058JD , Firebird v058symbolfix , Firebird v01 57 , Firebird v060 , Firebird v065-Fixed , Firebird v065tf , Firebird v63 , Firebird v 63 gbp eur , Firebird v63 TVD , Firebird v63 TVD1 , Firebird v63 TVD2 , Firebird v63A , Firebird v63iFXAnalyzerv01 , Firebird v63iFXAnalyzerv03 , Firebird v631 , Firebird v632 , Firebird v63B , Firebird v63B1 , Firebird v63D , Firebird v63D1 , Firebird v63E , Firebird v63E1 , Firebird v63F , Firebird v63G , Firebird v057 , Firebirdv0 1 60ea , Firebirdv0 1 60ea1 , Firebirdv63EEURUSD, Firestats v0 5 , Firestats2 v0 10 , Fisher 20Transform, Fisherexit, Fisherexit 1 , Fisherm11, Fishermbk, Fisherorgv12, Fisherorgv12 1 , FisherYur4ik, FisherYur4ik2, FisherYur4ikCorrect, FisherYur4ikk, Fisherman, fjuchers, fl1010797771b1ed8f8bd1f303918447259f159e, fl10269624d5fbdc8f384cba1d601dc536e88198, Flat, Flat Trend , Flat Trend RSI , Flat , Flat Trend v1 0 , Flat 1 , FlatTrend, FlatTrend SMC modified , FlatTrend V2 , FlatTrend V21 , FlatTrend V3 , FlatTrend V31 , FlatTrend w MACD , FlatTrend 20SMC 20modified, FlatTrend 20V2, FlatTrend 20V31, FlatTrendSMCmodified, FlatTrendSMCmodified 1 , FlatTrendwMAC D, FlatTrendwMACD 1 , FlatTrend1, Float, Float 2 , Float01, fmwk, FN Diver Osc , FN Signal , FNCD, fond, FoolishexpertbynameHamperforchampionship2007, ForGod, Force Index , ForeTrenScaV1 1, forecast osc-30M , forecast 20osc-30M, Forever3Ilovev3, Forex-eBook-Easy-Forex-, Forex-SuccessfulTrading, Forex 1-2-3 , Forex 241 , Forex For Everyone , Forex Freeway , Forex Freeway2 , Forex Freeway2-RSX , Forex Freeway21 , Forex Freeway2colormod , Forex Killer , Forex Profit Monster System Version 3 0 , Forex , Forex , Forex System Profit , Forex Trading Candlestick and Pattern 2 , Forex Trading Candlestick and Pattern 1 , Forex Trading Machine , Forex 20Freeway2, Forex, EA, Expert Advisor, Indicator, Trading System, Strategies Profit Robot , ForexAIAutoTraderv2 1 mq4 , FOREXASSASSIN, ForexAutoCash, forexbreakoutsystem, ForexConqueredbyJohnLPerson, ForexEAGepard 5 0 , Forexexpert, ForexGhostPileDriver, ForexGoldenGooseUltimate, ForexGoldenGooseUltimate2, forexloophole, ForexManualin English , fore xmarkethoursmonitorv2 0, FOREXPOINTANDFIGURE, forexprofitaccelerator, forexprofithunter, forexrevolution, ForexShocker, forexsniper, forexsovet, ForexSupreme, ForexTerminator, forextradingMMTSSystem, ForexTradingSpreadsheetv3 2 7, forexvirtuoso, Forex Success System , ForexAI, forexbacklashadvanced, ForexDerivative, ForexDominionMT4, forexearthquake, ForeXer-completed, ForeXer3 0, foreXer3 11, foreXer4 0, foreXer6 0, foreXer3ILovev3cls5, ForexHackedv10e, Forexnews, ForexOFFTrend, ForexOFFTrend indi , ForexOFFTrend v1 01 , ForexOFFTrend 23SEP05 , ForexOFFTrend 4AUG05 , ForexOffTrendAlert, ForexOFFTrend1, ForexOFFTrend1 2823SEP05 29, ForexOFFTrend1 1 , ForexOFFTrend1 23SEP05 , ForexOFFTrend2, ForexOFFTrend3, ForexOFFTrend4, ForexOFFTrend4 282 29, ForexOFFTrend4 2 , ForexOFFTrendCustom, ForexPlatinumv2 1, ForexRising, ForexRobotTrader, FOREXSS, ForexTester, ForexTrendv2, ForexTSDCalendarV1 5, fotest, Fozzy Method , Fractal, Fractal Breakout Modified , Fractal Zig Zag , Fractal Zig Zag1 , Fractal Zig Zag2 , Fractal ZigZag , Fractal ZigZag Expert , FractalZigZag, FractalAMAMBK, FractalAMAMBK 1 , FractalBest, FractalBestAll 1 , FractalChannel 1 , FractalChannelv1, FractalChannelv1 1 , Fractals, FractalsT 1 , Fractals 3 , Fractals Signal diapazon , Fractals5-diapazon 1 , Fractals5 2BSignal 2Bdiapazon, Fractals5 Signal , Fractals9, FractalVolOpt, Fractured Fractals , Frank, Franks 4hour limit orders , Franks 4hour limit orders1 , frankud, FrBestExp021malomamod, FrBestExp022malomamod, FrBestExp023malomamod, FrBestExp024malomamod, FrBestExp025malomamod, FrBestExp026malomamod, FrBestExp027malomamod, FreeForexSignal, Freeway - All , Freeway - All1 , Freeway 20- 20All, Freeway 20- 20All1, Fruity Pebbles 1 1 , Fruity Pebbles 11 1 , FTLM, FTLM-STLM, FTLMhist, FTLMKGhist, FTLMKGhist 1 , FTLMSTLM, FTLMSTLM 1 , FullBarwSpreadShadow, FullBarwSpreadShadow 1 , funtik, FuturesSymbols, FX Fish , FX Genius Robot , FX Sniper s Chandelier , FX Sniper s ErgodicCCI , FX Sniper s ErgodicCCITrig ger , FX Trading System Penyu Bertelur by Soros1 , FX 20Fish, FX 20Sniper 27s 20ErgodicCCI, FX 20Sniper 27s 20ErgodicCCIBB, FX 20Sniper 27s 20ErgodicCCITrigger, FX 20Sniper 27s 20T3 20CCI, FxChaosScalpEA, FXFISH, FXFISH-mod, FXFISH-mod 1 , FXFISH Mod , FXFISH Mod1 , FXFISH Mod2 , FXFISH 1 , FXFISH 1 , FXFISH2MA 1 , FXFreedomBarxMODE7MTF, FXProPlusv2, FX10, FX10EA, Fx10Setup, Fx10Setup 1 , FXAnalyserv6, FxBroBusV10, fxnews10beta, fxnewsbolttun, FXOE-Asctrend, FXOE-Combo, FXOE-ITrend, FXOE-ITrendHisto, FXOE-Juice, fxoe-lib, FXOE-LRSI, FXOE-SHIChannel, FXOE-SHISlope 1 , FXOPEN AGREEMENT , FxOverEasy, Fxovereasy System , FxOverEasyEA, FxSoniSystemforex, FxWizard Levels , gerdman, GAMMA v122b , Ganbahtp10sl22, Gann, Gann-1, GannSwingsVIII 1 , GannSwingsXVI, GannZigZag, GannZigZag 1 , Gartley Reversal Auto , Gauss Minigun F , Gauss Minigun v07 , GBP9AM, GBPJPYTraderOri, GBPUSD60FATL, GBPUSD60SATL, GBPUSDH1, Gem-xpMA, GentorCCI, GentorCCI1, GentorCCI2, Gepard, Gepard 3 0 eng - mq4 , Gepard3 1 nnn, Gepard4 2, GEPARD31 complete version , GEPARD31 limited , GEPARD31 - , German, Get Rich or Die Trying Any GBP , Get Rich or Die Trying Any GBP1 , GimmeeBar, GJ 3 serangkai , Gladiator, GLAMtrader, Gliding Channels Trader CF v11 , Gliding Channels Trader CF v11 , GlidingChannels CF v2 , GMMA Long , GMMA Short , GMMA 20Long, GMMA 20Short, gmostradingzone1oc, GO, GODZILLA, GoldenTrendManager, GoldenCross, GoldenProfit-AU, GoldenStream V2 , GoldWarrior01bMT4, GoldWarrior02b, GoodMacd, GoodMacd dark screen , GoodMacd1, Gordago2, gpfTCPivotStop, gprd, GRAAAL, GREEZLY, GREEZLY2009, Grid Builder , Gridmacd, GridMACDM15EURUSDMMFF, GRoDv1, Groza2 0, Groza2 1, GT, GTShadowv3 09, Guppy mma , H1H6 expert , hadi4emacrossheadg, Hans 123 Edited Version , Hans Indicator3 , Hans 20Indicator2, Hans 20Indicator4, Hans123MV1 1 2 , Hans123MV22, Hans123MV22MBK1, Hans123MV22MBK11, Hans123MV22MBK12, Hans123Trader, Hans123Trader v9 , Hans123Traderv2, Hans123Traderv8, Hans123Traderv8m11, Hans123Traderv8m11R , Hans123Traderv901, Hans123Traderv902, Hans123Traderv902 2 , Happy Doji Lucky Hammer , Happy Doji Lucky Hammer1 , Happy Doji Lucky Hammer2 , Happy Doji Lucky Hammer3 , Happy Doji Lucky Hammer4 , HappyDojiLuckyHammer, HarvesterR3, Heart Beat , HeartBeat 1 , Heat, HedgeHog, HedgeHog1 1 0 , HedgeHogv1 1 1 , HedgeHogv1 1 3 , HedgeHogv1 1 1 1 , HedgeHogUltrav1, HedgeTest, HedgeTest 1 , HedgExpertv1, HedgExpertv1 1 1 , Hedging Lot Strategy , Heiken Ashi , Heiken Ashi BG , Heiken Ashi 05SEP05 , Heiken Ashi 23SEP05 , Heiken Ashi , Heiken 20Ashi, Heiken 20Ashi 20BG, Heiken 20Ashi 2823SEP05 29, HeikenAshi, HeikenAshiMod, HeikenAshiMod 03SEP05 , HeikenAshiSmoothed, Heiken299, Heikin 20Ashi, henryfxstrategy, Hi-Lo, Hi-Lo 1 , HiLowIndicator, HiNetHedge, HiFastLoSlow LoFastHiSlow LSMA Diverge , HighLow v2 ZigZag , HighLow v2 ZigZag 08SEP05 , HighLow v2 ZigZag 23SEP05 , HighLow v2 ZigZag 1 , HighLow v2 ZigZag 1 23SEP05 , HighLow v2 ZigZag 2 , HighLow v2 ZigZag 3 , HighLow 20v2 20 28ZigZag 29, HighLo w 20v2 20 28ZigZag 29 2808SEP05 29, HighLowv2ZigZag, HighsLowsSignalAlert, HighsLowsSignalAlert 1 , Hilda System , HiLo, HiLo Activator , HiLo 20Activator, HiLoActivatorProfi, HiLoBandsBug, HistStepMAStochKV1Ex02, HistStepMAStochKV1Ex02with Filterlevels , HistStepMAStochKV1Ex02with Filterlevels 2 , HistStepMAStochKV1Ex03, HistStepMAStochKV1Ex03 1 , HistogramINDI, HL, HL Next Activator , HL Next Activator Comment , HL 20Next 20Activator, HMA, HMAColor, HMAColor 1 , HMAColorv02, HMAColorv02 1 , HMAColorv02b, HMAColorv02b 1 , HMAColorv03, HMAColorv03 1 , HMANoSolid, HMARussianColor, HMARussianColorsep, HMARussianColorsep1, HMAv02, HMAv02 1 , HMAv03, HMAv03 1 , HMAv04, HMAv04 1 , HMAv05, HMAv05 1 , HMAv06, HMAv06 1 , HMAv07, HMAb, HMAb 1 , Hole in One , holodovforex, HolyGrailEA, HowGeorgeSorosKnowsWhatHeKnows, Hull Trend , HxD, i-BigBarsFromH1, i-Cross 26Main-maloma, i-Cross 26Mainm, i-Cross Main , i-DayOfWeek 1 , i-DayRange, i-DRProjectionsv 1 1 0 1 , i-Fractals-3172552-sig, i-FridaySig, i-FridaySig 1 , i-GentorCCIMv 0 2, i-GentorCCIMv 1 0, i-GentorCCIMv 1 1, i-GentorCCIMv 1 0 2 , i-GentorCCIMv 1 1 0 , i-GentorCCIMv 1 1 0 2 , i-GentorCCIMv 1 1 0 2 , i-GentorCCIMv 1 1 1 0 , i-GentorCCIMv 1 2 0 2 , i-GentorCCIMv 1 2 1 0 , i-GentorLSMA 26EMAv 5B1 5D2 0 2, i-GentorLSMA EMAv 0 2 , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 0 , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 1 , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 0 2 , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 1 0 , i-GentorLSMA , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 1 0 2 , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 1 0 2 , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 1 1 0 , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 2 0 2 , i-GentorLSMA EMAv 1 2 1 0 , i-IntradayFibonacci, i-LRL-2Color, i-MondaySig, i-MorningRange, i-ParamonWorkTime, i-ParamonWorkTime1, i-RoundPrice-T01m, i-RoundPrice-T01m-mod, i-RoundPrice-T01m-mod NonLagMA2 , i-RP-T01m-mod-4, i-Sessions, i-Sessions-02, i Trend , i 20Trend, iDCGCamarilla, iDCGCamarilla 1 , iDCGModStDev, iDCGModStDev 1 , iTrend, ITrustInLuck, IXOAH, i4DRFv2, i4GoldenLionTrendv3, i9, i9-F, i9-T34b, iAnchMom, iAnchMom 1 , iAvgVol, iAvgVol 2 , IBFX - Waves , IBSRSICCIv3, Ichimoku, Ichimoku 1 , Ichimoku5, IchimokuAlertv1, Icho-Trend, Icho-Trend 1 , IchoTrend, iCustomN7STSMforExp, ICWR, icwr ea , ICWR v0 1 1 beta5 , ICWR , ICWR v0 1 1 beta3 , ICWR v0 1 1BETA5 , ICWR 20v0, icwr 1, icwr 10, icwr 11, icwr 12, icwr 12Bx, icwr 13, icwr 13x, icwr 14, icwr 16, icwr 17, icwr 18, icwr 19, icwr 2, icwr 20, icwr 2a, icwr 3, icwr 4, icwr 5, icwr 6, icwr 7, icwr 8, icwr 9, ICWR a, ICWR a 2 , icwr 1 12 , ICWR fib , icwr1 1, icwr1 12, icwr1 12Bx, icwr1 13x, icwr1 17, icwr1 19, icwr1 2, icwr1 20, icwr1 3, icwr1 5, icwr2 19, icwr2 2, icwr3 2, icwr4, id, iFirebird, IFish, iFXAnalyser, iFXAnalyser 1 , iFXAnalyserH4, iFXAnalyserH4-Open, iFXAnalyserH4-Open1, iFXAnalyserH4-Open1 1 , iFXAnalyserH4 1 , iFXAnalyserH41, iFXAnalyserH42, iFXAnalyserH43, iFXAnalyser1, iFxOverEasy1, iFXSI, igrabirza, iichartingcandlestickcharts, iKarakatica, Ilan-comleted, ILan 1 5 , ilan1 6, Ilan1 6BBPowerv2 2Time, Ilan1 6PipStepExponent1 4, ilanprofit, ilanprofit - rus , IloveFX4 01, iMAFibsAbove, iMAFibsAbove 2 , iMAFibsBelow, iMAFibsBelow 1 , iMATrueFibsAbove, iMATrueFibsBelow, iMATrueFibsBelow 1 , iMACD, iMACross, iMACross 2 , Ind-Fractals-1, Ind-Fractals-1 08SEP05 , Ind-Fractals-1 1 , Ind-Fractals-1 23SEP05 , Ind-Fractals-11, Ind-Fractals-11 23SEP05 , Ind-Fractals-alltf-1 1 1 1 , Ind-MurreyMathMT4VG-1, Ind-SKB-1, Ind-TD-DeMark-3, Ind-TD-DeMark-3-1, Ind-TD-DeMark-3-1 2 , Ind-TD-DeMark-3-1eng, Ind-WSO 2BWRO 2BTrend 20Line, ind - Profitunity Bars , IND Inverse , IND Inverse EMA , IND InverseB , IND 20Inverse 2BEMA, INDInverseandBBandEMA, IndTDDeMark31eng, IndTDDeMark31LAMod01AIME, IndTDDeMark31LAMod03BAIME, IndTDDeMark31LAMod03BAIME1, IndVilkaFractalsv1 2, ind2, ind3, INDIAN UNIVERSAL EA , indicator, indicators Global , IndicatorsTsystems, IndikatorTAACH, indofxBREAKOUTver1 0, IniotionNewsReaderv9 92Lite, inpossibilium nulla obligatio est , Install Exp - VirtualTradePad v5 2 , Instant TrendLine , Instant TrendLine1 , Instant 20TrendLine1, InstantFor exProfitSystem, Instantaneous Trend , Instantaneous 20Trend, InstantTrendLine, IntelectualProFIXED, IntelectualProEurGBP, Intraday Open Pivot Setup , Intraday Pivots Trading , Intraday Trading Techniques , intraday4newbies, IntroductionToForex, IntroductionToFutures, isakaskuskusv2, it d, it1, it2, it3, Itend old , iTrend, iTrend mod , Itrend Old , iTrendhist, iTrend1, IvyBot v5 1 , JTPO, JTPO 1 , JTPOClean, JTPOOSC, JTPOVelocity, JAGUARHEDGEV2, JAGUARcHEDGE, Jaimo-JMA, JapanCandlesticks, JCFBaux, jfk, JJMA, JKsinkhro, JKsinkhro 23SEP05 , JKsinkhro1, JMA, JMA i , JMA RSX , JMA 20 5Bi 5D, JMACCI, JMACCI i , JMACCI 20 5Bi 5D, JMAMACD i , JMASL, JMAStarLight, JMAv2, JMACD, JMACD1, JMASlope, JPrice Channel , , Juice, Juice StdDev with Histogram LA , Juice2, Juice5Level, JuiceLevelsAlert, JuiceLevelsAlertNew, Juicenew, Jumpy, JustInTime, JVNGMagnetIndicator, KailashEURCHF, Kalman filter , KAMARev, KAMARev1, KAMARev2, KAMARev3, KanalAnt, Kaufman, KaufmanBands, Kaufman2, Kaufman3, KC, KeepItS imple, KelasBelajarForex2ndedition, kelasbelajarforex01, Keltner Channels , KeltnerATRBand, KeltnerATRBand mt4 , KeltnerChannels, KentDouglassimpleforexsolution, KGRelativeStr, KhaosAssault2, KI EA , KIsignalsv2, KIsignals1H1 low3-10-18optimized , Kijun-Sen, Kijun-sen , KijunTenkan , KiSAvg, Kolachi Trader , Kuasaforexmodiftotal, LabTrend2v1, LabTrend3v1, Laguerre, Laguerre MinusDi , Laguerre PlusDi , Laguerre RSI , LaguerreROC, Laguerre1, LaguerreFilter, LaguerreVolume, LAS VEGAS TUNNEL , LASVEGASTUNNEL2, LASVEGASTUNNEL3, LawaqibEA, LazyExpert, LBS, LBS V12 , LC 2in1 , Least Square MA , Level Trading , lever, leverage, LGP-Pivot 20DJ, LGPIvanoffMaloma-DemarkLevels, lifestyle, lihovidov, Linear Price Bar , Linear Regression , Linear Regression Line , Linear Regression Line1 , Linear Regression Line2 , Linear 20Regression 20Line, LinearRegression, LinearRegression1, LineindicatorOriginal, Linesbuy 1 , Linessell, linreg, linreg 1 , Live Charts Fib Pivots , lmt, lock, LockPipsingXR2009v1, londonrush, Longterma, Longterma1, Longterma2, LRC, LSMA, LSMA in Color , LSMA in Color3 , LSMA in Color31 , LSMA 20in 20Color31, LSMAAngle, LSMAAppliedPrice, LSMAAppliedPrice1, LSMAAppliedPrice1 1 , LSMAChannel, LSMAColor, LSMAincolor00a, LSMAinColor3, LSMALine, LSMA1, LSMA1 1 , LSMA11, LSMA12, Lucky, Lucky2 4, luckyV 1 2 4 , lukas1 v14 , LWMA-CrossoverSignal, LWMA2, LylyGCatheriniv1 0, M A C HXalert, m1v11 killerkhan , , , M5G, M7swdr, MA-ATR, MA-ATR 2 , MA Angle , MA Chanels FiboEnv Mid , MA Cross 20 , MA Cross 201 , MA cross with take profit levels 4 , MA dots , MA in Color , MA in ColorwAppliedPrice , ma of rsi , MA 20in 20Color, MA 20in 20ColorwAppliedPrice, MAALERT, MABrkOutHv2, MACrossoverAlert, MACrossoverAlert3-34, MACrossoverEmailAlert, MACrossoverEmailAlert1, MACrossoverEmailAlert1 1 , MACrossoverexpertv1, MACrossoverexpertv11, MACrossoverSignal, MACrossoverSignal 1 , MACrossoverSignal 1 1 , MACrossoverSignalVoiceAlert, MACrossoverSignalVoiceAlert1, MACrossoverSignalWithwa v, MACrossoverSignal1, MACrossoverSignal2, MACrossoverSignal3, MACrossoverSignal4, MACrossoverSignal5, MACrossoverSignalAlert, MaDistanceFromPrice, MAReverseEA, MAShiftCrossoverAlert, MATSI, MA2Signal, maccelerationeurusd1, maccelerationexpauto2, MACD, MACD-2, MacD-2 line , MACD-2MTF, MACD-Alt, MACD osMA , MACD 5-34-5 , MACD ASCTrend1sig Audible , MACD Custom , MACD Fix , MACD Hist , MACD Sample , MACD Sample russian , MACD Sample Test , MACD , MACD , MACD , MACD2Color, macdadx, MACDDivergence, MACDlines, MACDSampleTraining, , , , , MACDSignalv2, MACD OsMA , MACD OsMA AO AC T3Ind , MACD1, MACDcorrect, MACDdtLSMA, MACDOsMA, MACDsignals, MACDsignalsv0 2, MACDsignalsv01 2, MACrossIndicator, Magesha, Magesha4 1, MagicalForex, MahmoudAmer, Maitei Method , MakeGrid, MakeGrid-With 100 and 200 EMA , MakeGrid5010020030pipsstop70, MakeGridGbpUsdDaily, MakeGridWith100and200EMA, MakeGrid192, MakeGrid193, MakeGrid193BE Long , MakeGrid193BE LongShort , MakeGrid193BE Short , MakeGridLSMA, MaksiGenKaH aJICkaJIneP, MaksiGenRangeMove, MAMy3, ManageTakeProfit, ManageTakeProfit stockwet , MandrakeSystem, Manual Trendline Trader , MarkDouglasTheDisciplinedTrader, market profile , market profile1 , marketprofile, Martengail-2Han, martin-profit-exper, Martingailbreakdowning0 9 4, Martingailbreakdowningv1, Masterforex-Demo, matunnel, MaxMinWPR-MM, MAXPIPS2008, MBKAsctrend3times, MBKAsctrend3times1, mc, MDV, Mechanical Discretion , MechanicsTrade, Median, Medved QuoteTracker , MegaDroid, MegaDroidProXE, Merdekaramav1 3 2, Merkio Exp Ukis 2008 , Merkio Exp Ukis , metastocktocsv, metod, MHGSbeta, Michelangelo, Michelangelo28nov05, mikahekin, mikahekin-v1 0, mikahekin-v1 1, mikkobbchannels, MillionaireTraders, minachi101, MIndex, MIndex 30AUG05 , miracle of dicipline , Misakasv1 3b, MizuTori, mjADXFilterv1 0, MLPO, MMK-MM1 09, MMK-MM1 092, MMTS 2 0 , MMTSExpert, MMTSExpert1, mmwpr, mod con template , mod con template1 , mod con template2 , modcontemplate, Modelling Quality , Modify All , Moment um, money-management1, money 10 , money 9 , MoneyManagementControllingRiskAndCapturingProfits, MoneyRain, MoneyStream, Monstr, Morgan, MoStAsHaR15 Pivot Expert , MoStAsHaR15 Pivot Expert 30AUG05 , Moutaki Method , Moving Average , Moving Average tp , Moving , Moving , Moving Average2 , Moving Average3 , Moving Averages , Moving AveragesonTF , MovingAverage, MP Overlay , mqcodes, mql2html, mqlcache, MRO2, msvcr71, MT Account Copier , MT4-Cams-Pivots, mt4mmv0 1 1 rc3 , MTF Center of Gravity , MTF HMA Russian Color , MTF indicators w , MTFJuice, MTFMACDinColor, MTFHAs, MTP1 7, mts corector , Multi-Lot Scalper , MultiLotScalper, MultiLotScalperA, MultiLotScalperPDAYMT4, MultiLotScalperPsars1, MultiLotScalperPsarsV1, MultiLotScalper1, MultiLotScaplerPDAYJLY, MultiLotScaplerPDAYJLY1, MultiLotScaplerPDAYJLY2, MultiLotScaplerPDAYJLY3, MultiLotScaplerPDAYMT4, MultiLotScaplerPDAYMT41, MultiPurposeEA, MultiBreakOutv0 1 1 1 , MultiBreakOutv0 1 1 3a , , MultiEMA, MultiPairWPR, Multiple10PointsX2v1 76, Multiple10PointsX2v1 762, MultipleMA, MultiplePivotsV2, MurrayMath, Murrey Math Lines F , Murrey Math Lines F2 , Murrey Math System , MurreyMath, MurreyMathLineXeng, MurreyMathModified, MurreyMathModified1, MurreyMathMT4PeriodVG, MurreyMathMT4VG, MurreyMathMT4VGA, MurreyMathMT4VG1, MurreyMathMT4VG1b, MurreyMathMT4VG1b1, MurreyMathMT4VGb, mvspytrendpro, MyFirstAdviser, my2007, myMACD4ver2, MyProject, N7SExpert194694202, nd1, nd1Sig, nd1Stop, nd1StopLine, nd2, nd2Sig, nd2Stop, nd2StopLine, NeuroM, NeuroNet, neurofilter1 0r, NEURON-SYSTEMSv2 4, NeuroProba, NeuroScalping, Neverhood, Nevod, NEWfolder, news, News Traders Mt4 v01 , News Trading , NewsAmazingEA1 0 5, newsgrabber, newssystem, NewsTradersMt4v01, NewsReader, NewsUpdater, NewWave1 7 1 1, NewWave1 7 1 12, NFPPilot, nicktraderonnopricetrading, NINA, NinaStepMA1, NINA1, NinaEA, NinaEA v 02 , NinaEA v03 , NinaEA v031 , NinaEAtest, ningheikenashi, nnea, NOLOSS, Noah10pips2006, NRTR, NRTR 1 , NRTR Pilot Alert , NRTR Rosh v2 , NRTR W ATR , NRTR WATR-hist , NRTR WATR1 , NRTR With Alert , NRTRdots1, NRTRLine1, NRTRPilot2alert, NRTRPilotalert, NRTRPilotalert 23SEP05 , NRTRPilotalert1, NRTRPilot911, NRTR1, NY breakout v0 10 , NY breakout v0 11 , NY breakout v01 11 , OanFxTimer, OanFxTimer2, oilfxprosimple support and resistancefxf , onlyprofit, OpenTiks, OpenTiks2, optimization, Osc other , osc1, OsMA, OsMA5barrolling0 4, otoyti ot del bogatim , OverHedge, OverHedgeV2, OzFx1 02, PairDifference, Paladav2 4-bestonGBPH1, palka, palka2, Pallada EA v6 0-DC EA , Pallada3 0Final, Parabolic, ParabolicAlert, ParabolicSARADXEA, Parabolic2, Parallel channels , ParamonScalp, past regression deviated , pastregressiondeviated, Pattern, Pattern Alert , Pattern Recognition , PCCI, PDF, pedroXXmod, Pegasus, Pending Orders , Pendulum, Percent Bollinger Bands , PerkyAsctrend1, PerkyAsctrend11, pfe2, pfe2 ex , PhatTDREI, PhatZigZag, phoenixeav5603, phoenix2007-EA, Pifon, PipBoxerV2 0 6UsersGuide, pipboxer0122, pipcollector EA manual , Pip foriaHGv2 0 5, pipmaster, pipmaster2, pipmaster2 1 , pips, PipsLeaderUsdJpyEA, PipsLeaderUsdjpy, PipsMinerEE, PipsMinerSE, PipsMinerSELE , pipstrading, PIPSTALKER, pipsutorEURUSD, PipTraderSetup, Piptronicv1 0, PipZuEURUSDv1, Pivot, Pivot-2, Pivot Midnight to Midnight V2 , Pivot Calculator , Pivot Lines , Pivot Lines 2 , Pivot Lines Timezone , Pivot LinesRDs , Pivot Lines2 , Pivot Lines3 , Pivot Point Median , Pivot Points , Pivot Range , Pivot 23JUL05 , PivotBacktest, pivottrader20070921, Pivot1, Pivot2, PivotCustom4TimeFrames, PivotCustomTime, PivotCustomTime, PivotDyna, PivotEMA3, PivotEMA3RLH, PivotEMA3RLHv2, PivotEMA3RLHv21, PivotEMA3RLHv3, PivotEMA3RLHv31, PivotEMA3RLHv4, PivotEMA3RLHv41, PivotPoints - MT04 - Indicator , Pivots, Pivots By MoStAsHaR15 , Pivots Custom , Pivots Daily , Pj-over RSI , plan x , PlatinumFairR9, PlatinumFairR92, PlatinumBestD105B, plaYmate2 pluto, PM HF , PMaxEA, pollan, polyhedron, positionsizing, Pouria Method , PowerfxTradeTool, PowerSwing, Practical Fibonacci Method , PragmaExpertv2 21, PragmaExpertv2 212, PrevDay-HiLo-kelvin, PrevDayHiLokelvin, PrevDayAndFloatingPivot, Price Channel , Price Channel2 , Price Chennel , PriceDistribution, PriceChannelStopv1, PriceChannelStopv6, PriceTrender, PriceTrender2, PriceTrenderChartTest, Priliv, Prilivs, PrimusSilver-CRACKED, priorities comp final , Pristine-1, PRO, ProAdvisorv5, Pro4x Pivot Lines , Profinacci Calculator , profit-factor1, Profit Generator , Profit Generator 2 6 , Profit Generator 3 3 2 , Profit Generator 333 , profitdax, profitdax2, ProfitGenerator333test, ProfitHunterEA, ProfitableTrendForexAdvanced, PROFITDAYPROv 2009, profiter, Profiter2009, ProfitHunter, profx, prognoz, program, programforex, Progressive, PROphet, proverka1 4udp, PS2, Pseudocarcharia, PVMurreyMath, PVMurreyMath4l, PVTv1, Pyramid, pyramidEA, pzvws2008, QuantumTraderv5 0Elite, QuantumTraderv5 0Elite2, R2ArrowsV1, RahnAbbott, Rahsia Forex DebtFreedom , rahsiaforexv1, RainbowMMA01, RainbowMMA02, RainbowMMA03 , RainbowMMA04, RainbowMMA05, RainbowMMA06, RainbowMMA07, RainbowMMA08, RainbowMMA09, RainbowMMA10, RainbowMMA11, RainbowOsMA, Range, Rapid Forex , RAVI, RAVI FX Fisher , RAVI FX Fisher2 , RBCI, RBCIhist, RBCI2, RD-BT2Stop, RD-Combo, RD-forecast osc-15M , RD-ForecastOsc, RD-ForecastOscOld, RD-Pivot LinesJ , RD-PivotLines, RD-PivotLines 01 , RD-PivotLinesOld, Real Trader 4 , RegressionChannelV2, RelativeR2, ren99, Renkov1, Renkov11, Rental Signal , Research Indicator , Retranslator - , RFTL, RichardSELL BUYv 1 8 , RickyD System , RICKYD Trading System , RIDILEVELSMT4, Rimbalzov2 6, riskcontrolandmoneymanagement, robertfisher, RobinHoodeurusd, Robot-Kit, Robot Ratesniper , RobotForex20082009and2010Pro, RobotForex2008Pro, RobotForex2009Pro, RobotForex2009ProAlternative, RobotForex2011Profesional, RobotForex2014ProfesionalLive, RobotForex2015Profesional, RobotForex2015ProfesionalReal4Digital, RobotForex2015ProfesionalReal4Digital , RobotForex2015ProfesionalReal5Digital, RobotPowerM5-m , Ro botPowerM5-ma, RobotPowerM5meta4V1, RobotPowerM5meta4V1 26AUG05 , RobotPowerM5meta4V1 30AUG05 , RobotPowerM5meta4V1 30AUG05b , RobotPowerM5meta4V1 31AUG05 , RobotPowerM5meta4V11, RobotPowerM5meta4V11a, RobotPowerM5meta4V12, RobotPowerM5meta4V1a, ROC, ROC1, rotatingtext, Royale Wave Indi , RoyaleWaveIndi, RPM5MT4 ea , RPM5MT4V1 ea , RPoint, rqidse, RSI, RSI-3TF, RSI-TC, RSI-TCNEW, RSI CROSS , RSI CROSS1 , RSI Orlanth line , RSI trader v0 10 , RSI trader v01 10 , RSIEA, RSIEA1, RSIMACDMARon01, RSIRSIRSI, RSItraderv0 1 10 , rsier1m, rsier1m1, rsier1m2, RSIFilterv1, RSItrend, RSTL, rsx, RSXCD, RSXMTF, rttnews, rukoivodstvo po investirovaniu , russian20-HP, russian20-HP1, russian20HP, rvmFractalsLevel, rvmGannsv2, rvmGannsv6, rvmGannsv8n, s, S-R 1, s Indicator i , sa MTEISupertrend, sa MTEISupertrend1, SakifliSwingEuroJpy, SAMPLE, SandRa, sanpundon, SAR Trading , SAR Trading , sarcolor, SARRSI1H, sashken2, SATL, SATLs, sb MTFMTEISupertrendHisto, sb MTFMTEISupertrendHisto1, sc MTFMTEISupertr endOnPrice, sc MTFMTEISupertrendOnPrice1, scalper 2 , Scalping System FX1 , Schaff Trend , Schaff Trend Cycle , SDL, SDX - 8h , SDX-TzBreaktout, SDX-TzPivots, SDX-TzPivotsmod, SDX-ZoneBreakout, SDX-ZoneBreakout-Lud-Z1-v2, SDX-ZoneBreakout-Lud-Z1-v21, SDX-ZoneBreakout-Lud-Z2, SDX-ZoneBreakout-Lud-Z2-v2, SDX-ZoneBreakout-Lud-Z2-v21, SDX-ZoneBreakout2, SDX8h, secretreportForexautomoney, SekuntilStokasticS3System2009, SelfAdjustRSIv1, SendPendingOrder, sereganlp2008, sergmartini2, Sergey0 2, Session breakout v0 20 ea , Session breakout v0 25 , Session breakout v0 26 , Session breakout v01 26 , Session breakout v01mbk , Sexy Stochastic , Shade NY 07 13 GMT , ShadeNY, ShadeNYv5, ShadeNY1, Shadowsv1 1, Shark5ultimatefull, Shark5ultimatefull2, SHEFireBirdv5 3, SHI Channel , SHI Channel11 , SHI Channel11- mt , Shi Channels , SHIChannel, SHIChannelColourTalk, shichanneltalking, shichanneltalking1, SHIChanneltrue, SHIMod, SHIModvLine, SHISilverTrendColourBars, SHISilverTrendColourBars1, SHISilverT rendSig, SHISilverTrendSig1, ShortTermForex, Sidus Method v2 , sidusv 2, signal keris , SiliconAmbitio, Silver-channels, Silver-channels , SilverMACD , SilverTrend, SilverTrendSignal, SilverTrendSignal With Alert v3 , SilverTrendSignal With Alert v3 28JUL05 , SilverTrendSignal1, SilverTrendExpertV2a, SilverTrendSignal, SilverTrendTrader, SilverTrendTrader xyz , SilverTrendTraderv3, SilverTrendTraderv3JTPO, SilverTrendTraderv3JTPO1, SilverTrendTraderv4, SilverTrendTraderv4JTPO, SilverTrendTraderv5, SilverTrendTraderv6, SilverTrendTraderv7, SilverTrendV3, simple-macd-EA, Simple Scalping 5min , simpleforexsolution, SimplePivot, sinTrend, sixindv31, sixperiodv31, SketchyStoploss, SKIVTrader, SKIVTrader O, SKIVTrader , SkyDartv4, SkyForexv 1, SlopeTradeADXv, SMA-CrossoverSignal, SmartIngsun, SMC, SMC-1, SMC Autotrader , SMC Autotrader , SMC eur usd , SMC eur usd 26AUG05 , SMC eur usd 28AUG05 , SMC eur usd1 , SMC eur usd1 26AUG05 , SMC eur usd2 , SMC HiLo v1 1 , SMC HiLo , SMC HiLo v11 1 , S MC HiLo , SMC MA , SMC MA 3BAR , SMC MA Cross , SMC MA xover , SMC MACD new idea , SMC Manual EA , SMC Manual EA limit andor stop order , SMC Manual EA with seperation , SMC Manual Trading v1 , SMC Skeleton v3 , SMC Trader 2 MAs 12 26 EMA Basic , SMC Trader 2 MAs 5 20 EMA , SMC Trader 2 MAs 5 20 EMA1 , SMC Trader Aroon V1 3 , SMC Trader Camel CCI MACD , SMC Trader Camel CCI MACD - ron02 , SMC Trader Camel CCI MACD1 , SMC Trader Kurt , SMC Trader Kurt v2 , SMC Trader Kurt v2 26AUG05 , SMC Trader Kurt v21 , SMC Trader Kurt1 , SMC Trader Kurt2 , SMC Trader MACD v1 0 , SMC Trader Manual , SMC Trader Manual1 , SMC Trader Skeleton v2 , SMC Trader Skeleton v2 07SEP05 , SMC Trader TriggerLines V2 1 , SMC USD JPY cci test , SMCShell, SMCTraderTriggerLinesV2 1 1 , SMC1, SMC2, SMC3, SMI, SMMA-CrossoverSignal, SmoothCandle C v1 00 , SmoothCandle S v1 00 , SmPriceBend-T01, SMSalert, SnakeForce, SnakeStopLevels, SnapShotEA, SnapShotEA1, SnapShotI, Sniperfox, sokol , solagracia, Solar Wind , Something , sovet, Spider3Lv08, spoutnik, Spread, Spud MTF Stochastic , Squeeze Straddle , sr limit , SRDC Method , SSLchannelchartalert, , , Standard Deviation Channels , StandardDeviationChannels, Standart Pivot Lines , STARC Bands , STARC Bands1 , starter, Starterv4Ganja-ManSettings, Starterv4mod1, Starterv4mod, Starterv4modV2, Starterv4modV21, Starterv6, Starterv6fukissecialsecretovermegagainingversion, starterv6mode, StarterWithNoIndicators, Stealth, StealthForexV10, SteinitzHASMT, steinitzHASMTF, Step, StepChoppyv1, StepChoppyv1 1 2 , StepChoppyv1 1 2a , StepChoppyv1 1 3 , StepChoppyv1 1 1 2 , StepChoppyBarsv1, StepChoppyBarsv1 1 1 , StepMA3Dv1, StepMAColorv2, StepMAStochv1, StepMAv1, StepMAv2, StepMAv3, StepMAv7, StepMAv7a, StepRSIv2, StepRSIv5 2, StepRSIv5 1 2 , StepStov1, STI403, Stitch V2 1 , STLMFTLMTrade, STLMhist, STLM2, STLMs, StocasticsOnPriceChart, StocasticsOnPriceChart1, StocasticsOnPriceChartExtreme, stoch power EA5g , StochAlertv1, STOCHALERT, Stochastic, Stochastic RSI , Sto chasticDiNapoliv1, stochRSI, StocRSI 2 , Stop reversal , Stopreversal, Stopreversalbluestops, Stopreversalmod, Stopreversalmod1, stopreversal, StopReversalwithAlert, Straddle Trail , Straddler Handler , StrangeIndicator, Strategy2009, Strategy10, StrategyTester, StrategyTester1, Stratoblaster, StratoTriggerlines, StreetSmartForex, StudyBookforSuccessfulForeignExchangeDealing, suffic369, suffic369EURM15, SunTzu, Sup-Res, super-signalsv1, super-signalsv2a 2 , SuperHedgingv1 67, SuperTrend, SuperExpertv3, Supernova Method , SuperSR 6 , SuperSR7, Supertrend, Supertrend Audible Alert , SuperTrend3, Supertrend1, SuperWoodieCCI, SuperWoodieCCI1, SuperWoodieCCI2, SuperWoodieCCI3, supper turbo 2 , supplydemand, Support and Resistance , Support and Resistance Barry , Support Resistance , SupportandResistance, SupportandResistanceFOREX, SupportResistance, Sure-Fire, surefirething, Surfing, Suv2, SweatSpot3, SweatSpot31, SweatSpot32, SweetSpotExtreme, SwingPoint, SwingTrading, T3, T3 - Trix , T3 , T3 , T3 CCI , T3 MACO , T3 RSI , T3 Taotra , T3 TRIX ROC of T6 , T3 TRIX ROC of T6 1 , T32, T322, T33Lines, t3adx di-diburst , t3AroonHorn, t3AroonHornOsc, T3Bands, T3DPO-v1, T3DPO-v12, T3iAnchMom, T3iAnchMomhist, T3iAnchMomhst, T3iAnchMom2, T3MACO, t3MovingVolumeAverage, T3RSI, T3Taotra, T3TCF, T3TRIX, T3MA, TAACH , Taf, Take Profit , Take The Money and Run , TakeProfit EA HiLoTradeAway , TargetProfit, TD Sequential , TDCarrie, TDDEMARKv2, TDDRP, TDPoints Linemgtd1 , TDREI, TDREIv2, TDSequential, TDI, TDI-2, TDpoints lines , TDTLModifiedBR, TDTLModifiedBR1, TEB System , Technicalanalysis optionsstrategiesbyK H Shaleen , TechnicalMarketIndicators, TecnixindoBotv2009 03, Teknik Analisa Forex , Teknikal Analisis 2 , teknikal analisis 3 , Telescop, Tengri 1 4 , Teori EW dan Fibo , Terminator v2 03 Complete , Terminatorv2 0, TEST, test last 100 , test5closeup, testvolume, test11v4, test11v7, Test2, Test21, Test22, Test2guns, TestWilliam36HistogramWalert, TFXv18, The 20 s , The 20 s ea , Th e 20 s Indicator i , The 20 s v0 30 ea , The 20 s1 , The 8and8 method e-book , The Outsider Method , The Reversal Bar , The Ultimate Currency Trading , theinteractionbetweenthefrequencyofmarketquotes spreadandvolatilityinForex, TheSharpeRatio, TheTruthAboutMoneyManagement, TheWizard, Three Day Rolling Pivot , Three Line Break , ThreeColor, TickonChart, Ticker MACD , TIMEFRAME, time1, TimeBreakExpertv2, Tlatomi method , TMA, Today Trend , Today Trend last , Today Trendruduga , Tom Demark System , TOProfitv 1 4 2, TOProfitv1 4 2Demo, ToR 4 , torghaos, Tpaylihg, Tpaylihgclose, Tracert, tradeerror, TradeAnyMarket, TradeChannel, trader ssecretcode , TraderFxv2, Tradernew, TraderNote, TradeStarTrend EA , TradeStarTrend EA v1 2 , Trading Hours , Trading Session vLines , TradingForexAmazingForexSystem, TradingDocMarketCyclesFibonacciGannElliott BennerCyclesFinancialAstrologyPhilipRio, TradingForexTheForexProfitSystem, TradingProfitBooster, TradingHours, Trailing Stop 5 , Trailing Stop vtdavid , Trailing Stop vtdavid1 , TrailingStop-Sedovv3, TrailMe, TrailMe1, TralingStopv3, Trend, Trend Bands , Trend Follower System , Trend SMC v2 , Trend Trigger Bars , Trend Trigger Modified , Trend Trigger Modified 6AUG05 , Trend 23SEP05 , TrendCF, TrendDetermination, TrendRiderv3, TRENDRIDER3, trendtraffic, Trend1, TrendAndDiver, TrendContinuation, TrendContinuation1, TrendContinuation2, TrendEnvelopesv2, TrendEnvelopesv22, TrendEnvelopesv23, TrendForecasting, trendline, Trendline Trader , Trendline Trader1 , Trendline Trader2 , TrendlineOrder, TrendManager, TrendManagerOpen2, TrendManagerOpen2 seperate window , TrendManagerOpen2 seperate window1 , TrendManagerOpen2 seperate window2 , TrendPower, TrendScalperGTRbeta, TrendScalperTR, TrendScalperTR 30AUG05 , TrendScalperTRbeta, TrendScalperTRbeta 26JUL05 , TrendScalperTRbeta 6AUG05 , TrendScalperTRbeta6, TrendScalperTRloosetest, TrendScalperTRloosetest 26JUL05 , TrendScalpIndcPP, TrendscalpIndic, Trendsignal, TrendstrenghtEMA, TrendStreng thTrio, trendstuffer, TrendStuffer4 01 - , TrendTriggerMod, Triad final work , TriangularArbitrage, TriangularPrice, TriangularMA, triangulatMA, Trigger Line , Triggerlines, Triggerlines1, Triggerlines2, TriggerLinesAlert, TripleMACrossoverEA, TripleMACrossoverEA1, TripleMACrossoverexpert, TripleMACrossoverexpert1, TripleMACrossoverexpert2, TrixEA, Tro S R MP , True Scalper V11 Sergey , True Scalper v4 , TRUESCALPERV11b, TRUESCALPERV11b 23SEP05 , TRUESCALPERV11c, TRUESCALPERV11e, TrueBald, TrueScalperRonMT4v02a, TrueScalperRonMT4v02a TS , TrueScalperRonMT4v02a1, TrueScalperRonMT4v04, TrueScalperRonMT4v04 08SEP05 , TrueScalperRonMT4v041, TrueScalperRonMT4v11, TrueScalperRonMT4v11 23SEP05 , TrueScalperRonMT4v111, TrueScalperRonMT4v111 23SEP05 , TrueScalperRonMT4v112, TrueScalperRonRubyMT4v11, TrueScalperRonRubyMT4v11step1, TrueScalperRonRubyMT4v111, TrueScalperRonRubyMT4v112, TrueScalperv49cRonMT4, TrueScalperv49cRonMT41, TrueScalperv49hRonMT4, TrueScalperv49hRonMT41, TrueScalperv49hRonM T42, TrueScalperv49LRonMT4, TrueScalperv49PRonMT4, TrueScalperv49PRonMT41, TrueScalperProfitLock, TrueScalperV11-1 1, TrueScalperV11-1 11, TrueScalperV11B, TrueScalpperV11, TrueScalpperV11-1 1, TrueScalpperV11-1 1 1 , TrueScalpperV11 23SEP05 , TrueScalpperV111, TrueScalpperV112, TrueScalpperV113, TrueScalpperV114, TrueScalpperV115, TrueScalpperV12, TrueScalpperV121, Try, TSATRNRTR, TSD-24-8-05, TSD-MT4- V1 , TSD-MT4- V1b , TSD-MT4- V1c , TSD-MT4 instructions , TSD-MT4 instructions 01SEP05 , TSD-MT4 instructions 12SEP05 , TSD-MT4instructions 1 , TSD-TR MultiPairs 18526 , TSD-TR0 2, TSD-TR0 2-currentweekly, TSD-TR0 2-Force, TSD-TR0 2-GBP, TSD-TR0 2-MACD, TSD-TR0 2-midweekplus, TSD-TR0 2-midweekswitch, TSD-TR0 2-midweekswitch1, TSD-TR0 2-OsMArolling, TSD-TR0 2-WPRstrict-midweekswitch, TSD-TR0 3-midweekswitch, TSD-v11-MT4-JB-MACD, TSD-v11-MT4-JB-MACD 27JUL05 , TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA, TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA beta 0 3 , TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA beta 0 3 23SEP05 , TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA Daily , TSD-v11-MT4- JB-OsMA Jan 4 hour , TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA 13AUG05 , TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA 2 , TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA 23SEP05 , TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA 30JUL05 , TSD-v11-MT4-JB-OsMA1, TSD-v12-MT4-EF-MACD, TSD-v12-MT4-JB-MACD, TSD-v1x-MT4-HDB-v10, TSD-v1x-MT4-HDEB-v10, TSD - Looking after TSD , TSD D1 4Majors , TSD description , TSD H4 4Majors , TSD MT4 MR Trade 0 36 , TSD Notes , TSD Notes 05SEP05 , TSD Notes 28AUG05 , TSD Notes1 , TSD OsMA fxid10t mod , TSD v 32 IBFX mini , TSD v 34 1hr trade , TSD v 34 IBFX mini , TSD v1 vs v2 p 1 , TSD v1 vs v2 p 2 , TSD v1 vs v2 p 3 , TSD v1 vs v2 p1 1 , TSD v1 vs v2 p1 2 , TSD v1 vs v2 p1 3 , TSD v1 1 , TSD v1 1 MT3 , TSD v1 2 MT3 , TSD x , TSD4hr, tsddescription, TSDMT4MR, TSDMT4MRTrade010, TSDMT4MRTrade0101, TSDMT4MRTrade0102, TSDMT4MRTrade011, TSDMT4MRTrade012, TSDMT4MRTrade013, TSDMT4MRTrade014, TSDMT4MRTrade015, TSDMT4MRTrade020, TSDMT4MRTrade020 23JUL05 , TSDMT4MRTrade020c, TSDMT4MRTrade0201, TSDMT4MRTrade021, TSDMT4MRTrade021c01, TSDMT4MRTrade0211, TSDMT4MRTrade022, TSDMT4MRTrade023, TSDMT4MRTrade024, TSDMT4MRTrade025, TSDMT4MRTrade030, TSDMT4MRTrade031, TSDMT4MRTrade032, TSDMT4MRTrade033, TSDMT4MRTrade034, TSDMT4MRTrade034 08SEP05 , TSDMT4MRTrade034b, TSDMT4MRTrade036, TSDMT4MRTrade036 23jan06 Mindaugas , TSDMT4MRTrade0361, TSDPPMACDFORCEIndv1, TSDPPMACDFORCEIndv11, TSDTR0 1 2midweekplus , TSDTR0 1 2midweekplustrailtoprice , TSDTR0 1 2midweekswitch , TSDTR01 2midweekswitch , TSDV11MT3OSMAForceMMV11, TSDv11MT4JBOsMADaily, TSDxx, TSequential, TSI, TSI-Osc, TSI-Osc 4AUG05 , TSI Signals , TSR, TTF, TTF - trigger factor , TTF 3AUG05 , TTF 4AUG05 , TTF 6AUG05 , TTFhist, TTFlook-ahead, TTFTR, TTF - MW , TTM, ttm-trend, ttm-trend-2, tttttt, tunnel, Tunnel MethodIndicators , Tunnel Method1 , TunnelMethod, TurboRobot1 1, TurningPointBox, Turtle Trading System , Uchebnik Trader , UDP, ultimate-guide-phoenix-v2, Ultitimate Oscillator , UltitimateOscillator, Ultra Wizard 2008 , UmnickTrader1 01 01, UniversalMACrossEA, Up Down , UpDown, updownalert, UpDown1, u p3x1, ur, UROVNI-MT4, UROVNI-MT4 27JUL05 , UsdCadTerminatorDemo, USDHunterEA, V-T B , V-T B1 , V-T Bv6 , V I P v 45, VanessaFX Advanced System , Var Mov Avg , VarMovAvg V001 , VarMovAvg V0011 , Vector, Vegas, Vegas Currency , Vegas Currency Daily , Vegas Tunnel , Vegas 1 , Vegas1HR, Velocity, Vertical Line , vHistory, VininI, VIP Signals ru 408789 01 , vlado, VMbarmixv1 7 2n2 0, VMDUHASTv2 0M30EURUSD, Vnutrednevnaya, vol adx and t3 rsi , Volatility Stop , VoltyChoppyv1, Volume, volume trader redux , volume trader redux 1 , volume trader redux 11 , Volume with custom MA , Volumetraderv2, Volume1, volumeMA, VQ, VSI, VTB, vTerminal, VTSVGTS, VTSVGTSsetka, VWB, Waddah, WaddahAttarExplosion, WaitToTrade, warrior trader007 , Waterfall i , WB206port, WCCI, WCCI1, WCCI2, WcciChart, WcciPaterns, WcciPaterns Sep , WcciPaterns1, WcciPatterns, WCCISqueeze v1 , WCCISqueeze v2 , WeekEndChannel, WeeklyPivot, WeeklyPivot1, WeeklyPivotOnly 1 , Weighted WCCI , WeightedCCI, WeightedCCI1, WeightedCCI2, we llxAMA, whentotrade, Wicked, Wilder s ADX , , William36HistogramWalerttest, William36HistogramWallerTest, WilliamsPRalert, Wilson Channels , WINFOREXdemoreal, WinnerFXv2, Winning Solutions , WiroSablengEA, Wiseman 1 , wlxBWACsig, wlxBWAOsig, wlxBWWiseMan-1, wlxBWWiseMan-2, wlxFractals, wlxFractals2, Wolf, wolve Wafe , Woodchuck, Woodies CCI3 , Woodies Pivots Modified Into Fib Pivots , WoodiesCCI, WoodiesCCI1, WoodiesCCI2, WPRfast, WPRslow, WSOWROTrend, WSSopen, WSSv943FinalVersion, WSSv943FinalVersion2, x, Xprofile, X0diagram1, xmodule, xmodule2, XO, XOAlert, XOALERTccicross, xpMAv2FATL, xpoints, Xprofuter, xpVolume, XtremeEURGBP, YourLuckyEURGBPv2b, Z-Z1, Z-Z1 LA Best Alert Next Bar-m15 , ZeroLag MACD , ZeroLagEA-AIP v0 0 4 , ZeroLagStoch, Zerolagstochs, ZerolagstochsB, ZeroLagStochsSignals, ZigZagBreakout, ZigZagBreakout1, ZigAndZag, ZigZag, ZigZag Pointer , ZigZag Trendlines , ZigZag 11AUG05 , ZigZagFibov1beta, ZigZagFibov2beta, ZigZagSeparate, ZigZag1, ZigZagE, ZigZagFirst, ZinkKil ler, 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Which Forex pair and time frame is best to trade is the frequently asked question and I want do give you the EXPLICIT ANSWER in this comment. Are you expecting that I am going to say something like EUR CHF on 5-minute time frame or GBP USD on weekly No, it is not so simple, but SIMPLE ENOUGH we can figure it out. The PROBLEM is that markets change over time If EUR USD was a well trending currency pair a few years ago, today it is another one. I actually want to let you know about a SPECIAL TOOL that I use to find the BEST TRENDING PAIRS among all the Forex pairs. The instrument examines 34 Forex pairs on all time frames from minute to monthly This way you pick the best trending pair and time frame at the current time. Discover how THOUSAND of peo ple like YOU are working for a LIVING from home and are fulfilling their dreams TODAY. Get daily ideas and methods for earnings THOUSAND OF DOLLARS per day FROM HOME for FREE. Review 60 Seconds Trading Strategy. When starting yourself in binary options, you definitely want some strategy to trade by Of course, you can jump into a live account and press Call Put button listening to your intuition but that will not end up well for your financial prosperity. This is a review of one of the strategies that can be freely used by any binary options trader You will learn the strategy s rules, get to know its advantages and find out how to avoid its main cons. Before proceeding to the review of the 60 Seconds Trading Strategy it is necessary to explain the strategy itself in details And before doing that, it will not hurt to remind you of what 60 Seconds option really is.60 Seconds Option.60 Seconds is a special type of binary options where the outcome of a trade is determined within one minute time If you have chosen Call and the underlying asset currency pair or stock, or whatever finished above the entry level, you win If you have chosen Put and the underlying asset finished below the entry level, you also win In other cases, you lose It is really that simple. Although there are many strategies for trading 60 seconds options complex, simple, technical, fundamental, genial or simply absurd, there is one strategy that is mentioned in several other binary options websites This system is often called just 60 Seconds Binary Options Strategy and is usually given out for free It is frequently described in connection with TradeRush trading account, though it is not a requirement as the strategy can be used with any other broker featuring Option Popularity indicator for its binary options nearly all brokers with SpotOption platform have that. There are several variations of the 60 Seconds Binary Options Strategy but usually it consists of only three simple steps. Find the underlying asset a Forex pair or some commodity, or any other trading instrument , which is trading well above the middle of the chart or well below it See example. Check the popularity indicator for this asset It shows how many binary traders at this particular broker are choosing Put Down or Call Up for this option If the asset is trading above the middle of the chart see Step 1 , popularity of Put should be higher than popularity of Call more than 50 If the asset is trading below the middle, popularity of Call needs to be higher than popularity of Put See example. If both conditions are fulfilled, it is now time to assume a position Remember, you choose Call only when the majority of traders is calling and you chose Put only when the majority is putting If at least one of the conditions is not met, proceed to Step 1 In our example, we ought to choose Up Call for AUD USD as both conditions apply. Some More Examples. To understand how the system works, here are some more examples. Bad This EUR USD example from GTOptions would fail on Step 1 as it is trading near the middle of the chart. Bad This EUR USD example from DragonOptions fails at Step 2 While the first condition is fulfilled the currency pair is trading quite below the chart s middle line , the Put Call ratio is not showing in our favor. Good This GBP CHF example from DragonOptions is a perfect fit for the strategy s conditions It is trading far down below the chart s middle and the Call popularity exceeds Put popularity by 38.Bad This USD JPY example from TradeRush is showing another mismatch the pair is trading above the middle line, while the traders are predominantly choosing Call. Bad While there is a nice 40 difference in favor of Call popularity for Gold in this example from TradeRush broker the metal itself is trading right at the middle of the chart and thus cannot be traded using 60 Seconds Binary Options Strategy. While the steps described above may certainly be called canonical for the 60 Seconds Binary Options Strategy there are many variants Some are quite similar, while others are completely different. The former ones only add or remove one step or alter money management rules For example, they may omit the first step disregard the relation of the current price to the chart s average line but add Martingale position sizing instead. The latter ones may add steps to check like 3 5 technical indicators more on a third-party trading platform For example, they may call for signal confirmation by MACD, Stochastic Oscillator and Parabolic SAR on MetaTrader 4 chart for the traded asset In any case, these heavily modified 60 seconds strategies are beyond the scope of this review, as they are very different from what is explained in the Step-by-Step section here. Why It Can Work. While there is some potential in this strategy, the websites boasting 87 chance of winning or something similar simply do not know what they are talking about There are four noteworthy improvements this system has over random or blind trading. By choosing only charts where the asset is trading significantly above or below the middle line we trade Calls only on oversold instruments and trade Puts only on overbought ones Basically, what such chart disposition means is that the asset is trading well below or well above its average value for the last hour that is the period those charts show Buying something that is oversold and selling something that is overbought can be a good idea and is a basis for some popular Forex and stock trading strategies That is until you get into some strong rally that way. Sentiment Measure. By choosing only direction, which is currently prevailing among other traders, we go with the crowd in this strategy Trading with the crowd is often considered lame and counter-productive but since the position is lasting only 60 seconds with this BO strategy, we just make sure to go with the trend by gauging the current market sentiment. Many traders try to create complex strategies combining multiple tec hnical indicators, forgetting that some indicators are based on the same data set and combining them only reduces the amount of signals, while keeping their quality at the same low level This 60 seconds BO strategy is doing it the right way it combines technical indicator chart average vs current price and sentiment indicator Call Put popularity Although, these parameters are somewhat connected, they possess a satisfactory level of independence to be used together in a system. Systematic Approach. What many newbie traders lack when they approach something as simple as binary options is a system They trade almost randomly buying Call and selling Put just by intuition This lack of any system may lead to excess losses, overtrading, emotional instability and eventual disappointment in binary trading Using a system, trader gets a set of rules to act upon, leaving a lot less space for errors, emotional trading and pure gambling A systematic approach even with a subprime strategy may lead to br illiant results as it works miracles for trading discipline. Why It May Fail. While it certainly has its advantages, the 60 Seconds Binary Options Strategy is not as good as some marketing gurus make it look to be You should be aware of this strategy s potential problems and real dangers There are three important disadvantages to it. Lack of Statistical Evidence. There is no statistical data that would prove this strategy s long-term or even short-term profitability While some websites show screenshots of statements full of winning trades, they are hardly proof to anything The difficulty with this 60 seconds option strategy is that it is extremely hard to automate and backtest And since binary brokers rarely provide demo accounts at least for long period of time , you would have to risk your real money for potential gains. Popularity Inconsistence. The popularity indicator is a great tool for measuring market sentiment for a given underlying asset Unfortunately, it is not consistent between different brokers It may show one value on one broker and at the same time show a different value on another broker The readings may even contradict each other completely See the screenshot of the AUD USD popularity index at TradeRush. And see the screenshot of the same pair taken almost simultaneously at GTOptions. Evidently, the first chart shows Call popularity of 45 vs Put popularity of 55 , while the second chart shows a strikingly different ratio of 62 vs 38 It is quite obvious that those two charts would generate totally different trading signals In this case, GTOptions chart would generate a Call signal, while TradeRush s chart would give no signal at all as the popularity index contradicts the current price position. The source of the inconsistencies is in the fact that brokers know only their own traders positions and have no knowledge of the situation in the market as a whole Additionally, some brokers may display completely random values for popularity indicator or even manipu late it to drive traders into some convenient for broker, not for traders direction. The majority of brokers offer 70 yield on 60 Seconds binary options Although 70 may sound a lot for a 60 second gain, it is not a lot compared to a potential loss of 100 within the same 60 seconds According to our Broker s Edge Calculator 70 payout with no out-of-money reward results in 15 average loss per trade This means that if you win at the same rate as you lose, you will be losing 1 5 on every 10 trade with 60 Seconds options. To overcome the intrinsic losing predisposition of this option type, you would need to win at least 59 of your trades It is a significant edge and even it would lead only to breakeven trading You would require a better edge to earn consistently with 60 Seconds options Whether the 60 Seconds Binary Options Strategy is able to provide the winning rate of 60 40 is a million dollar question Unfortunately, you would need to risk your hard-earned money to find out. Tips and Recommen dations. Although the strategy is in and of itself pretty instructive and with clearly defined rules, your experience with it may be improved significantly by knowing some of the accompanying nuances and applying some minor tweaks. Find a broker that gives higher payout than 70 on 60 Seconds binaries For example, GTOptions offers 75 on 60 Seconds for some currency pairs and commodities The rates may vary depending on market conditions, so check other brokers too Shop for best offers. Do not forget that you may use price chart and popularity indicator from one broker to generate your trading signals and enter the actual trade with another broker This can be very convenient if your main binary broker does not offer some of the tools required for the 60 Seconds Binary Options Strategy. Keep your positions small relatively to your total investment amount Do not risk more than 1 or 2 of your capital on one trade For example, if your deposit which you can afford to lose is 1,000, do not trade wi th option size bigger than 15- 20.Do not double up your stake on losses It is a sure way to lose all your money. Be aware of your broker s trading schedule not all brokers offer 60 Seconds options during normal trading hours. Keep an eye on the trend strength If the underlying asset is trending strongly, this strategy will produce to many bad signals Just avoid trading this instrument for some time if you spot a stubborn rally or correction. You will get a lot of trading signals with this strategy, especially if you trade with several brokers and with many instruments Do not lose your head in trading, keep calm and stop trading for some time if you start making mechanical errors. Try to keep a trading log You will not be able to log every trade in real-time mode, but in the end of the day, open your account s closed positions and write everything down, pointing out the weak signal trades, positions entered by mistake or any other peculiarities calculate your win loss ratio for the day and overall Revise your approach to trading if you start making net losses for several days in a row. Do not forget to bank your profits regularly as it is the only way to prevent really big losses. Bass, 46, racked up large after wagering versus home loans in 2007, racking up gains as the globe s biggest banking institutions discharged more than 80 billion in subprime losses He exposed betting on a collapse in Japan s government-bond market in 2010, a brief location that Bass later on recognized that various other bond financiers had. Esposizione delle basi del trading sul forex con esempi pratici di applicazione. The MSCI All-Country World Index has actually sunk 9 percent in 11 trading sessions and also is going for its least expensive close since August 2013 It was an additional unpredictable trading session in China with the Shanghai Composite Index shutting 0 44 percent greater after getting in a bear market on Friday view full post. Financial markets are near a crisis similar to the GFC in 2008, George Soros, one of the world s most successful investors, said view full post. What will 2016 bring to the Forex traders Check out the ultimate live panel you must attend to understand and anticipate what the new year might hold view full post. There will certainly consistently be moneys that are relocating swiftly up or down, providing chances for earnings and also commensurate danger to sharp investors Like the equity markets, forex markets provides lots of tools to reduce danger and also enables the opportunity to make money in both increasing as well as dropping markets Purchasing as. Historically, the FX market was offered most to significant financial institutions, rest individuals as well as international firms that sold huge purchase dimensions and also quantities Small investors consisting of people like you and also I, had little accessibility to this market for such a long period of time Currently with the introduction of the. Have you ever asked yourself what is the Forex market The FOREX or Foreign Exchange market is the biggest monetary market around the world, with a quantity of even more compared to 1 5 trillion daily, dealing in currencies Unlike other economic markets, the Forex market has no physical place, no main exchange It operates through. Should you exchanged within the Foreign exchange market before or maybe you are still buying and selling now, you might have heard the word Forex broker lots of occasions However, being an individual trader, you might want to know exactly what is a Forex broker and the things they re doing view full post. Searching for the very best online Forex trading platforms Well you will find most of the platforms to select from when choosing a Forex trading platform The very best platforms generally offer American Dollars, British Pound, Canadian Dollar, Pounds, Swiss Franc, Australian Dollar and Yen Additionally you won t have any commission costs or transaction costs. If you re as confused when i was after i be gan buying and selling currency around the foreign currency foreign exchange , than this short article is going to do miracles for you personally From details around the foreign exchange towards the best online forex trading platform, the questions you have is going to be clarified view. It Is Being Called The First Real Breakthrough In Trading Forex In The Last 20 Years It Makes Money So Fast And Easily That It Has Gotten The Undivided Attention Of The Entire Trading World. All we know for sure is that a system this accurate and profitable couldn t come at a better time for struggling traders. That s because it solves the biggest problem all traders face. Trying to accurately predict what the largest, most liquid market in the world is about to do using inaccurate, old, tired methods that were outdated and ineffective a decade ago. It s not your fault if that is what you are using today though. There has not been a real breakthrough, be it technology or method, in at least a decade, probabl y more like 20 years. Trading Forex is the fastest path to financial independence there is. Almost 4 trillion dollars is traded daily and it s easy to get your share of the pie when you know how. As you will soon see on DVD 1 we have included everything even a complete beginner needs to go from zero to wealthy in as short of time as possible. Everyone is still trading the way their parents did for the most part Can you imagine using one of those old cell phones that were about a foot long and weighed ten pounds and only made phone calls IF you were lucky enough to have service Or how about running DOS on your computer Likely some of you reading may be wondering what s DOS Exactly. Think it would be a good idea to do your daily commute on the freeway in a Model A Ford. It absolutely amazes and appalls me that while technology has changed our lives in so many fantastic ways and continues to daily. Trading currencies has remained in the dark ages. No Wonder So Many People Lose Money When They Sta rt Trading They Are Trying To Win The Kentucky Derby On A Donkey Some of the indicators, for example RSI, was invented in 1970 Most every system out there is just a slightly different version of the one before it, and the one before it They are ancient technology. People are still selling this crap and people are still buying it. Because it s the only thing available An outdated trading system is better than no system Or is it. The Very System You Are Trusting To Make You Money May Actually Be Costing You Money Let me ask you this. Are you losing more trades than you feel like you should be. Are you NOT consistently making money trading. It s not you, it s the accuracy of the system you are using. You Are About To See A System That Keeps Doubling My Account Over And Over. Sure, Munehisa Homma invented candlestick charts in the 18th century and we still use them today But I can promise you no one is hand drawing them on rice paper. The market has changed Technology has changed Let s face it, ove r the past 20 years it feels like EVERYTHING has changed. Everything except how we trade Forex. You very well may have experienced this. When someone does claim to have something new, something better, it is so complicated that no one can find the time to figure out how it works, or even if it does at all. Know why that is. Because 99 9 of everything out there is being created by marketers after a quick buck It is rare that a new system is created by a successful professional trader. And these marketers know if they baffle you with enough B S you will likely give it a try So you do, it doesn t work, and you have once again wasted your time and money. One day I had enough All I could take I was mad as hell and determined to do something about it Too many good people were being robbed blind by people selling systems that had no hope of ever making anyone any money. And also for some very selfish reasons, like getting even richer, I was determined to find a more accurate and consistently profitab le method of trading It just seemed that with today s knowledge and technology there had to be a better way. Well I am happy to say there is and in just a minute I will tell you all about it. First though, let me tell you why I spent every waking hour and a mountain of money over the past year researching, creating and perfecting this system. My name is Toshko Raychev. It was raining outside when I realized that we had being duped for years Not just a drizzle mind you It was raining buckets. It pretty much canceled all the plans I had that day for some outdoor fun. So I was just sitting staring out the window thinking about how screwed up the world really is If you listen to the news which I don t recommend things are a mess I mean the economies, inflation, unemployment, poverty, war and all the other crap that s screwed up. As I was pondering all that was wrong with the world, it hit me. It s all about the money Just about every problem we face boils down to money And it stems from two emotio ns, that if you trade, you are very familiar with and both have everything to do with money and the stuff it buys. Fear and greed They have caused just about every war, every financial disaster, kept people from chasing their dreams and made good people do bad things. They are two powerful emotions that will screw with your head and are a trader s biggest enemy. I m getting ahead of myself though. Money will make us do some amazing things Some good and some bad. Let s face it Money makes the world go round And when there isn t enough of it in your life it pretty much sucks. So how do you fix that There are two paths you can choose. I have decided there are basically two types of people And once again it all boils down to emotions There are those who like the security of a job They like knowing that if they show up and do what they are told they will receive X amount of money per hour for doing so They like earning a living. It s safe No real fear of the unknown as long as they don t screw up. T hen there are those who are motivated by something bigger Who see that the richest people in the world don t earn money they MAKE money. Donald Trump, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, These Guys Don t Earn A Wage They Create Money Making money makes way more sense than trading your time for money After all, you only have so much time You can t just run to Wally World and pick up some more. Think about it this way. If you wanted to make let s say 250,000 00 a year, based on a 5 day work week you would have to earn 961 64 a day or about 120 00 an hour Now unless you are a doctor or a lawyer that may be difficult to do. 3,525 Live Trade Toshko Raychev On The Other Hand Forex Is An Almost 4 Trillion Dollar A Day Market So that same 961 64 a day is such a small percentage of that 4 trillion I could not even find a calculator that would give me the answer They just kept saying zero it s so microscopic. It s like one crumb off the biggest buffet table in the world A thousand dollars a day is not even be a blip on the screen in Forex. Taking 1000 00 a day out of the Forex market is like taking one grain of sand out of the Sahara desert. Here s the best part No one cares if you siphon off a dump truck load of it for yourself They won t even notice. Here s the point. You can bust your behind all your life trying to earn enough to get ahead or. You can make yourself a fortune quickly by taking a few minuscule grains of sand out of the Forex market. The latter sure seems way easier to me. But, and it s a big but, you have to have the right tools and knowledge in order to do so It s not rocket science but it is a science. That s really the point of all of this Accurately predicting where the market will go is a science One that uses historical past data to predict future behavior as accurately as possible. Now you may be thinking that no one can predict the future and I suppose to some degree that is true. However, with this new technology we can certainly come close enough, to be right often enough, to make you a fortune and I w ill prove it in just a minute. What I Have Developed Is In My Opinion The Most Advanced, Accurate And Profitable Method Of Trading Forex Ever Conceived. And it s not just a little better than all the others it s not even in the same universe. That s a big claim and I m sure you are skeptical That s OK, skepticism often protects us from doing stupid things Just hear me out and look at all the proof, that s all I ask. If you are anything like me you get emails every day from people claiming to have all the answers to your trading problems The system du jour as I like to call it because it seems I see a new one every day. The last thing I want is to get pigeon holed in with the rest of these idiots who couldn t trade their way out of a wet paper bag. So let s get a few things out in the open right now. I make my living and it s a darn good one trading Forex. I have only ever shared systems with you that I have thoroughly tested Ones that I know make money over and over again Systems I actually us e to trade my own money. I only share them with you once I know that others my trusty beta testers consisting of pro traders and complete beginners are having the same profitable results that I am getting. This is NOT just some clone of an old system with a shiny new wrapper This is an entirely NEW way to trade Forex A system that is far superior to ANY other system in existence because it is the ONLY technologically advanced, science based method of trading on earth. Don t let that scare you though You have likely seen some advanced systems in the past that were a nightmare to trade This one is so easy a child could do it. That s the beauty of science and technology They make the difficult easy and the impossible possible. This new system makes trading Forex a viable means to great wealth for the masses You don t need to be a financial genius or a geeky chart junkie This can work for anyone Just follow the steps which are simply laid out in a logical and easy to follow method. If You Just Follow The Rules Of The System, And Let The Most Advanced Custom Indicators Ever Made Do Their Job, This System Could Make Anyone Very Wealthy, Very Quickly. 2,543 Live Trade Toshko Raychev I can assure you the big banks and funds have the latest trading technology Stuff we haven t even ever heard of That s how they like it. Because they know that the market is moving faster than ever and the old technology and methods just can t keep up It makes perfect sense when you think about it There are far more transactions happening every second then there were 10 or 20 years ago Setups happen faster and more frequently. I knew if I were to be as profitable as I wanted to be it was going to take a system far superior to anything I had ever used. If I wanted a system that would accurately predict what the market was about to do, one that would find me perfect setups, I would have to create it myself. So I have spent the last year researching and testing I spent hundreds of hours and a small fortune working with the best trading software programmer I could find. I already had what I believe to be the best system available today But I knew that it was stil l old school I wanted something better Something more dependable, more accurate, easier to trade and more profitable. I knew that if I threw enough time, energy and money at this I would eventually discover a true breakthrough in trading Something that would predict market movement more accurately than anything ever had. It took thousands of hours of research and development but the end result is the New Science of Forex Trading. I poured every ounce of my time and energy, and a good amount of money, into developing a system that is just unstoppable. This new system had to be not just better than others, it had to be something unlike anything anyone had ever seen A true innovation in trading. Well, it took a long time but it worked This makes me money faster and easier than anything I have ever seen. Some Days It Seems Impossible To Lose With This. 2,496 Live Trade Toshko Raychev Now this is important. Unlike 99 9 of the crap out there this was NOT created to be sold It was created for my own personal use Period. I had no intention of ever making this available to anyone else Ever. But like I said, I had some beta testers try it to see if it would work as well for them as it is for me They went nuts You would have thought I just gave them a crystal ball, three wishes, the Holy Grail and the winning lottery numbers. They all started making more money than they ever had Not just a little more but lots more They were beside themselves Giddy is probably an accurate word. I knew right then that I had to share this discovery If nothing else I at least had to make it available to my previous system owners and close friends. But then I took it to my publisher, they are the oldest and most respected publishers of Forex education and systems, the only people I trust in online marketing They were the ones that made my Protocols system available t o traders. They ran a bunch of back tests, then started trading it live and they all went bonkers as well. They Had Never Seen A System So Profitable. 1,767 Live Trade Toshko Raychev So, it was decided I had to at least share this with a small group of traders who were serious about making money. And that s what I am doing today However, I am going to keep the group small so that everyone who gets it today gets the one on one help they need and. Strictly Limit The Number Available To 750 The reason is that I want to work with each and every one who gets it in the member s area over the coming months So that you get everything you need to be successful and make money with the system. That s because a big part of what you will learn will take place in the private online members area That s where all the training, webinars and one on one interaction takes place More about that in a minute. First I want to make something really clear. This is NOT another complicated, hard to learn, difficult to trade, system I really think ANYONE can learn it in just a few hours at the most. And once you do, it will be the simplest, least time consuming method of mechanical trading you have ever experienced You could teach this to a ten year old and they would most likely make money with it. This was important to me That s because I have been trading a long time I have been fortunate to be very successful and make a lot of money trading But what I wanted more of was time. I Wanted A System That I Could Trade For Just An Hour Or Two A Day, 3 Or 4 Days A Week, And Still Make Six Figures I can tell you that this is that system I have never worked so little and made so much. 1,680 Live Trade Toshko Raychev Think about what it would feel like to finally start making real money trading I don t mean just a few dollars either I m talking about a healthy six figures a year. Imagine the lifestyle that would afford you What would you do if you knew that money was no object. A new home A new car Vacations I m sure you can think of lots of ways to spend money if you knew there was an endless supply of it Well, there is Almost 4 trillion dollars a day. And it s not just about earning a good living It s also about setting yourself up for retirement I know of no better way to grow a nest egg faster than trading Forex Providing you are using the right system. The best part about being a Forex trader though is the freedom You can work from anywhere in the world that you have an internet connection I even know a guy who uses a satellite uplink so he can trade from remote places He likes to hike through jungles and explore places that most people will never even see. You also work when and for how long you want to Some days I am really into it and profitable trades are coming fast and furious When that is happening it s really fun and I just want to keep trading Other days I sit down to trade for maybe a half hour Make my money for the day and go have some fun. There is never a boss looking over my shoulder or a deadline to meet and I like it that way. You may be saying all that sounds great for you Toshko, but I m not sure I can do it See, a lot of people think you have to be some financial genius to make good money trading That s just not true I know people from every walk of life who have become successful full time traders. You will learn literally EVERYTHING you need to make money with the New Science of Forex Trading So your education doesn t matter, your IQ doesn t matter and your background and experience do not matter ANYONE can do this. How do I know that. I have had the privilege and honor of teaching several thousand people how to trade Many of them were complete beginners and are now making doctor or lawyer incomes just from trading. Think about that Instead of years of education that costs a small fortune, they are making the same kind of money working half as much. And it can happen very fast As in just days or weeks even. Why should you trust me to help you reach your goals. I am a 3 time world trading champion in the largest independent trading competition on earth. These are my actual one month gains.651 50 In One Month.809 09 In One Month.118 63 In One Month I don t say that to brag Ask anyone who knows me I m a humble and quiet guy I just want you to know, that I know what I am doing and am very qualified to help you become a successful trader. I have helped thousands of others and I m confident I can help you. In a minute I will tell you how we will work together, one on one, until you are making a fortune trading Forex. You may be asking what is so special about this new system that makes it so profitable. To start with my custom indicators are far superior and advanced to anything anyone has ever seen To even put them in the same category as others that have come before them is like saying that a Ferrari is just a car. These are the culmination of hundreds of hours of work by the best trading software designer ever to live I spared no expense on this because I knew how important this technology was to the success of this system. I cannot go too deep into how these work due to the fact that there are thousands of shysters who would rip this off and then go rip off thousands of innocent people with sub-par knock offs. I do however want to try to explain what makes them so much better than anything you have previously seen. So with that said, here s why you never want to trade without these. They give you setups that are grounded in what the market is doing in real time They look at things no other indicator does And they do it up to ten times faster By the time you are even trying to decipher the information given b y most indicators, these have already determined the probable outcome and you are well into a profitable trade. Here s why I feel that s important. There are two things vital to making a lot of money trading. You must have enough volatility in the market A sideways ranging market is never going to produce highly profitable trades. You must be on the right side of the trend. My 4 custom indicators are very visual in nature At a glance you can get massive confirmation that a good setup is occurring I feel it is important to be able to just glance at a chart and be able to gather all the valuable information I need without too much interpretation I also enjoy trading on the lower timeframes, so it usually means there isn t a lot of time to analyze the charts in great detail These indicators make it very easy to accomplish this goal. These indicators are unlike anything you will find anywhere else A lot of time and money went into coding these to do what many said was impossible. To Create Such A High Probability Trading Environment That Losing Trades All But Disappear And Your Account Grows Every Time You Sit Down To Trade Now I am not saying you will never lose a trade Things happen in the market in a fraction of a second that no indicator or system can see coming Sometimes that will turn the tables against you on what appeared to be a perfect setup But with the New Science of Forex Trading system, and the massive confirmation you get from the 4 most accurate and cutting edge custom indicators ever made, it will be the exception rather than the norm. If you just let these indicators do their job and follow the rules of the system, losing trades for the most part should become a thing of the past for you. All of the indicators are used in conjunction with one another to find setups that have such a high probability of making you money that you will wonder how you will ever spend it all. Without my 4 custom indicators and the in depth analysis they provide, finding so many profita ble trades, so often, would just not be possible. Now you may be thinking that a system that uses two standard indicators and four custom indicators sounds complicated. I Assure You That Once You Learn It, This Will Be The Simplest System You Have Ever Traded And The Easiest Money You Have Ever Made I did not spend over a year of my life creating a system for myself that would make trading more difficult I did so for just two selfish reasons. To make more money. To make that money in less time and with less work. I have been trading for many years I have made very good money trading I could have just kept using my old system, which is one of the best ever created and done just fine. But just fine isn t good enough I want more and I ll bet you do to I want to get filthy rich actually As in millions. And here s what I know to be fact. Trading Forex, Using The Right System, Can Make You Rich Faster And More Securely Than Anything Else On Earth. 2,850 Live Trade Toshko Raychev The stock market can t do it The days of crazy speculation that made people wealthy for a short time are over We ve all seen that bubble burst more than once. Real estate always seemed safe Until the housing crises proved that even real estate values can fall through the floor fast leaving you way upside down in a big mortgage. I suppose you could buy a franchise for a few hundred thousand dollars and work 16 hours a day 7 days a week like a friend of mine does Yea he makes really good money, but at what cost. Forex in my opinion, and the opinion of many successful full time traders that I personally know, is the safest, lowest cost of entry, most practical and permanent way of getting wealthy there is. Currencies will always be traded Someone in Japan is always going to need to convert Yen into Dollars for whatever reason Same with every other currency pair on earth There will never be a bubble that can burst. The reality is that while retail trading like we do to make money hasn t really been around all that long, currency trading has been going on for thousands of years and will always go on. Actually, it may soon be the ONLY safe haven for making money. The wealth accumulation secrets you will learn in the New Science of Forex Trading are more important to you than just big houses, luxury cars and expensive vacations They may actually mean your financial survival. We are at a time where having all your assets and your ability to earn income within the walls of any one nation, even the U S may not be smart. The world is changing The balance of power and wealth is shifting. Forex makes you money no matter what is happening in the economy of any nation You make money when the market goes up or down All you have to be is correct about where things are headed. By using the New Science of Forex Trading you will know with uncanny insight exactly what the market is about to do. And that s how you make money in Forex It always, and I do mean ALWAYS bo ils down to the accuracy of the system you are using Sure, there are some other things you must do like controlling your emotions when you trade so that fear or greed don t cloud your judgment But here s the truth no one has probably ever told you. It s really just whether or not you have faith in the system you are using. Look at it this way. If you were trapped in a maze and came across a map of the maze you may or may not trust it to be accurate But you would likely give it a try After a while though you may begin to doubt it if you still hadn t found your way out. But if that map also came with a GPS that showed your exact position as well as the exact route out, you would probably follow it with the upmost faith that it would lead you out You wouldn t question it. The same is true with a system If you know it makes money if you just follow the rules, then that s what you will do. That s the secret that so many miss The best system in the world which is the one you are considering right now is only as good as your willingness to follow the rules of the system Because if you don t follow them, you are not really using the system. If You Follow The Rules Of The New Science Of Forex Trading System, And Apply The Secrets I Will Teach You That Have Allowed Me To Win 3 International Trading Championships, You Will See Very Quickly That You Are Likely Never Going To Need To Worry About Money Ever Again. 1,635 Live Trade Toshko Raychev. It s the map to riches and the 4 custom indicators are your GPS If you just follow it, the world is your oyster Untold wealth and all that comes with it could be yours. That is if you are able to get one of the strictly limited 750 copies before they sell out They are going to go very fast and I have no plans of ever releasing more. The number of people closely following this just blows me away Just Facebook alone is staggering. As you can see this has taken on a life of its own That shouldn t surprise me though Traders have been waiting a long time for a real innovation in trading Forex Far too long. They have seen just how powerful and profitable this is and want to get their hands on it as quickly as possible. This is far more than just the most profitable system ever created for trading Forex though. I am also going to help you discover the real magic behind mega-wealthy traders The secrets that separate those who dabble from those who make fortunes. There are other factors beyond the system you use that can make all the difference between success and failure as a trader Now I know I said it always boils down to the system and that s true It s just that most other systems don t include these other factors The New Science of Forex Trading does. It s a complete connect the dots plan for acquiring wealth. I cover everything you need to know to make money trading As you will soon see this is the most comprehensive How to get rich trading Forex course ever offered. The only things I have left out is all the fluff and fillers that usually accompany systems I have no time for all that B S and I am guessing you don t either.3 of the DVD s are dedicated to honing your skills as a pro trader to the level that only the wealthy elite ever do That s why they are rich But as you will see, the DVD s are only the beginning. You Are Going To Get A PHD In Making Money Without Years Of Learning Or Doing Any Hard Work. 1,574 Live Trade Toshko Raychev But you need to be ready to take action today because. The 750 Copies Available Could Be Gone In Just Hours Here s what you will get today if you act fast. DVD1 - Basic Trading Concepts. The first DVD is perfect for beginners and anyone just wanting an in depth refresher course I included everything that someone who has never traded a day in their life needs to know to get started As with anything you try to accomplish, a solid understanding of the fundamentals is always the best place to start and is essential to your success. If I were to sell this separately as an introduction to trading Forex, I feel it would be the best product available anywhere.1 Welcome by Toshko.7 Entering Orders.12 Trailing Methodologies. DVD2 - Risk And Fundamentals. It s unavoidable With trading there is always risk If there wasn t everyone would do it Here s the thing though, the rewards far outweigh the risk and when you understand these risks and how to manage them, they become inconsequential. There are three areas you need to focus on to become a highly skilled, consistently profitable trader On DVD 2 I cover each of them in minute detail. By having a thorough understanding of these you will be light years ahead of other traders. You have probably seen the statistic that 95 of traders lose While I question the validity of that statistic, I do believe that most of the losses incurred by all traders could be avoided by using the right system, and having a firm handle on these things.1 Introduction To Risk Management.6 Introduction To News. DVD3 - Component Rules. In DVD 3 we dive into the heart of the system Learning what is on this DVD is the equivalent of having a crystal ball into the future of the market. You will want to know everything on this like the back of your hand That s because if you just trust in the system, it will do its job It will find perfect setups that can lead to trades that could make you more money in a single day than most people make in a month. System Indicators And Explanations.1 Moving Averages. Conservative And Aggressive Entry Rules.7 Conservative Entry Buy Rules.11 Buy Re-entry Rules 12 Sell Re-entry Rules. DVD4 - Trade Setup Examples. I have found that I learn better when I can see real life examples As I said earlier, I am visual and really I think most people are It s just easier to understand something when you can actually see what it looks like That s why I wanted to give you a good amount of actual trade examples so you will firmly plant in your mind what profitable trades look like using the system. Conservative Trade Examples 1 Conservative Long 1.Aggressive Trade Examples 7 Aggressive Long 1.2 Conservative Long 2.8 Aggressive Long 2.3 Conservative Long 3.9 Aggressive Short 1.4 Conservative Short 1.10 Aggressive Short 2.5 Conservative Short 2.Re-entry Trade Examples.6 Conservative Short 3.11 Long Re-Entry 1 12 Long Re-Entry 2 13 Short Re-Entry 1.In DVD 5 we take that to the next level and let you watch me tra de live Nothing beats seeing someone as they stare at that hard right edge of the screen and make money In this DVD you will see exactly how to trade this system in the way that could see your account growing daily.1 Conservative Buy 1.11 Aggressive Buy 1.DVD6 Putting It All Together. This DVD is a webinar, Summary Of The System We wrap up everything you have learned and tell you how to practically apply that knowledge to make money. That s what everything you will have learned up until now has been all about Your ability to sit down, open your chart and make money anytime you want. After you complete this DVD you will be excited Because you will know that you have finally found a real, proven, complete and easy to understand system for creating wealth. One that is grounded in reality, not the fantasies of some marketer after a fast buck Remember, this is the exact system I trade with The one that I use to earn the kind of income most can only dream about. The New Science of Forex Trading M anual. Every detail of trading the system profitably is carefully mapped out in easy to follow steps in this fully illustrated manual. Each of the indicators custom designed for the system is fully explained in detail. It is a connect the dots roadmap to wealth. If you just follow the rules laid out in this gold mine of information, your success is almost guaranteed. Six Cheat Sheets That Are Your Instant, At A Glance, GPS Straight To The Money. These six cheat sheets are included in your package and are made especially so you can keep them close by when you trade. You can use them to make sure you are following the rules of the system on every trade This insures that each and every trade has the highest probability of being profitable. You will know at a glance whether or not this is a trade that you should take They are an easy to follow visual aid that you can use to very quickly know what you should do with every trade setup. But the system is only half of what is probably the fastest track to wealth available anywhere at any price. Welcome to the Profit Lab. Think about how quickly the past 6 months have flown by The older we get the faster the days turn into weeks and then months it seems Well, six months from now you could be one of the most knowledgeable and profitable traders on earth. That s because you are going to have unlimited access to the greatest trading mind trust in my opinion in history A place where financial miracles are going to happen in people s lives. Think about this 750 people all focusing on the same goal, using the same system to achieve it, and I will be their guiding each of you every step of the way. The shear momentum will make us unstoppable We will hold weekly live webinars where we answer your every trading question You will gain insight from the questions others ask These webinars will always be recorded and accessible in the member s area so you can watch them, and re-watch them, at your leisure. There is a area where you can post questions and get immediate and accurate answers. There is another area where you can post your trades if you like The good ones and the bad I will be there to talk with you about what you did right and what you did wrong You can also see other member s trades as they post them This can sometimes answer questions you hadn t even thought to ask. You will have access to trainin g in here that no one outside our small elite group will ever see There is a dedicated area for each of the DVD s In these sections we group the most common questions relating to that DVD so it makes it easy to reference. In the private Profit Lab you will find many example trades that you can watch at any time This is really helpful because the more trades you watch, the better you will understand the system and how to use it to make more money than you ever thought possible. This is also where you will get access to the fantastic bonuses I am including today I ll tell you all about them in just a minute They are worth far more than the cost of the entire system as you will see. Some people are just not comfortable asking questions in front of the group and I understand that So there is an area where you can quickly access frequently asked questions Chances are someone else had the same question as you do That, or you can contact me privately via email, phone or Skype if you wish I am al most always available and when I am not there will be a professional trader who understands the system waiting to help you.24 7 Service and Support. I am dedicated to giving you the best support you have ever seen on any product That is my promise to you. Whether you are an absolute beginner or an experienced trader, every question you have will be treated with upmost respect You will get an immediate, accurate and friendly answer. You will have access to me personally Anything you don t understand, any problem you are having, any concerns you may have will all be given my undivided attention. I hope you will spend as much time as possible in here History has shown us that those who do are the ones who become successful the fastest and start making money the soonest. I am also including something that will make trading the New Science of Forex Trading a breeze. Remember what I said earlier I created this system for my own use to make more money in less time What you re about to see makes it possible to accurately trade the system even when you can t be in front of your computer. The NSOFT Smart Trade App will Using The NSOFT Smart Trade App This Is Making People Money Even When They Have Little Time To Trade. 8,050 61 Live Trades Wesley Govender. That Just Made Him 8,050 61 In Four Trades That Took About 15 Minutes Each And All It Took Was The Push Of A Button. 9,814 68 Live Trades Wesley Govender. That Just Made Him 9,814 68 In Five Trades That Took About 3 Hours And All It Took Was The Push Of A Button. 4,250 52 Live Trades Emir Cehaic. That Just Made Him 4,250 52 In Three Trades That Took About An Hour Each And All It Took Was The Push Of A Button almost trade for you It won t ever make the final decision to enter a trade, that s a decision only you should ever make But it will do just about everything else for you. It will find perfect setups that follow the rules of the system down to the last detail and alert you only when it thinks you can make money on a trade. Now, Automated Trade Assistants aren t brand new They have been around a few years now But to say this is just a trade assistant is like saying the space shuttle was just an airplane. It s very advanced software that is like the equivalent of having Warren Buffet watch your screen for you It analyzes ever last minute piece of information and when all the rules have been met, it alerts you Then you just push one button to enter the trade. The Smart Trade App is designed to never be wrong about a trade So you can trust that when it alerts you, there is money to be made. What I love about this software is that I can watch TV, read or even play a video game WHILE I AM TRADING. And never miss a perfect setup which almost always leads to me making money. It is particularly a must have for busy traders who have kids who need help with their homework, people who just can t find enough time in their days or anyone who needs to be multitasking while trading You can make dinner and money at the same time. It s EVERYTHING you will ever need to make EASY money. I have included everything in the New Science of Forex Trading that you could ever need to become a highly paid Forex trader It doesn t matter if you have never traded a day in your life or are a seasoned pro that s been at it for years This system is designed to make you more money trading Forex than you have ever made in your life To do it faster and easier than anything else available anywhere at any price. I must warn you however, if you are too slow to act, you will miss out. As I Said, This Is Strictly Limited To The First 750 Fast Acting Individuals Who Are Dead Serious About Changing Their Financial Future Those who truly wish to become the elite upper class of people who can call themselves successful full time traders. I love it when someone asks what I do for a living When I tell them I work from home when I m not traveling and trade the world s largest financial market, the reaction is priceless You would think I was a celebrity or something They just can t wrap their heads around the fact that I make so much money without having a job of any kind. If you are ready for this lifestyle of freedom and w ealth, then hit that big orange button below right now and you will be well on your way to the lifestyles of the rich and not so famous who needs the paparazzi chasing you around all the time. Proof - Live Trades. 1,395 Live Trade Toshko Raychev. 1,386 Live Trade Toshko Raychev. 1,232 Live Trade Toshko Raychev. 656 Live Trade Toshko Raychev. Those could all be your trades very soon, it just takes having the system that produced them. If you learn the system and follow the rules there is no reason you can t be making trades just like what you have seen here today You will be doing exactly the same things that produced them. If you are hesitating then it may be that you are just not cut out for trading. As a trader we have to make decisions fast and not everyone is capable of that It s just not in some people s blood to see an opportunity and jump on it Some people like to ponder things, weigh out all the possibilities and basically procrastinate. That s death to a trader If you see a trade you have to take it Seconds count Just as they do here While you are deciding if this is right for you someone may be taking the last spot. Let me ask you this. If you knew you could not lose If success was guaranteed, would you go for it. If I said try this and if it doesn t work for you, for whatever reason, you d on t have to pay for it would you try it then. If I said look, you can try trading with this system without risking a penny of your own money would you try it. If I said I will take all the risk for you until you are 100 certain that this works for YOU, would you try it. If you said yes than we have a deal I ll take all the risk and even tell you how to try it in the real market without risking a dime. Here s what you do Get the system and learn it Join me in the member s area for two months if you like before you ever risk a penny of your own money. Once you are ready, trade it in a demo account The only important thing to remember is that even though you aren t risking any of your money, you have to still take it very seriously Trade like it was YOUR money. If for ANY reason you don t think this is for you then you won t have spent a single penny to find out. It will have cost you nothing to find out if this can make you rich or not. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. So, are yo u ready to see how the other half lives Ready for the ultimate, do what you want when you want and have plenty of money to buy what you want crowd I know of no better way to make that happen than to trade Forex in a manner that is already proven to make money. Hit that big orange button and before you know it you could put your money worries behind you forever. If you act in the next 5 minutes I will even include these extremely valuable bonuses at no additional cost Purchased alone they are worth far more than what you will invest in the entire package. The Entry Point Archer This is like having Warren Buffet sit down in front of your charts and point out your entry points for you. Like a highly skilled archer this custom indicator will find the exact point in which you should enter a trade with surgical precision It is custom designed to work only with the New Science of Forex Trading System and makes it even more accurate and profitable. Arrows will appear on your chart when all the cond itions for a profitable trade have been met making it almost impossible to miss a trade that can make you money. You can trade the NSOFT system just fine without this brilliant piece of software but it makes it even easier and more accurate Just another way the new technology behind the New Science of Forex Trading makes you more money, faster and easier, than any other system on earth. The Trend Tracker This tool will save you time and make you money. In order to get important confirmation about the higher time frame you would normally need to switch between timeframes manually With this custom indicator you will know at a glance that the trend is your friend Following the exacting rules of the NSOFT system this indicator will confirm for you that entering a conservative trade could have a hugely profitable outcome. If you act right now I will include all of these money making tools for free. I must caution you though, with all the value I am offering you today, for such a reasonable price , this will likely sell out faster than Turbo Man in Jingle All The Way. Remember There Are Only 750 Available So Check The Counter Now To See How Many Are Left Don t miss this chance to start amassing your fortune, get your copy right now. Let me ask you a question. If not this then what Here s what I mean If you don t grab this red hot opportunity to get rich faster than you ever likely thought possible, what will you do Where will you be in 6 months. Probably right where you are today. Is that really what you want Or would you rather be making a massive income by trading just a few hours a week. If you pass this up now you may never have another chance to get something this good I doubt it will ever be offered again and there is no other system for trading that I think can even hold a candle to this. If You Trade Without This You Are Probably Giving Up At Least Half The Profit You Could Be Enjoying In My Opinion Nothing Else Makes Money This Fast Or Consistently You ve seen the trades, you have seen just how much money this makes. Isn t that what you want Then grab the bull by the horns and get this proven cash machine while you can. By this time tomorrow, or even just hours from now, it may be too late. Hit that Add To Cart button and join this small elite group of traders who are committed to becoming among the wealthiest traders on earth.100 No-Questions-Asked Money Back Guarantee. My Guarantee Is Simple If You Don t Feel It s Right For You, For Any Reason, Don t Pay For It I am so confident that this system can and will work for you and will be so easy to learn, that I will send it to you to examine for 60 days risk free. You have a full 60 days to learn it and put it to the test If you are not 100 absolutely certain that this is going to change your life, that it is going to be the fastest way of achieving your financial dreams, just return it within 60 days and owe nothing. There Is No Fine Print The guarantee is exactly as you see it Return it within 60 days for any re ason at all No questions asked, no getting a hard time from a support person with a bad attitude, no conditions that must be met or other fine print. That s one of the reasons I insisted on a couple of things. Going with a company that has had an impeccable record of customer satisfaction since 1998.And that they use ClickBank which has a no hassle 60 day money back guarantee policy. This insures you of a seamless and secure transaction no matter what you decide. No Other System Offers This Type Of NO Questions Asked Money Guarantee Your money will be cheerfully refunded, you will be thanked for giving it a try and you can even keep the bonuses you have received up to that point as my gift to you. Since I am taking all the risk here, there is no reason for you not to give this a try I know it works, I use it every day and it makes me a lot of money. I am committed to doing everything within my power to make sure you become successful I want you making six figures trading as fast as possible. It is my hope that each and every person who has the desire, drive and ambition to become wealthy trading Forex does. I will be here to help you get there We can get started as soon as you hit the Add To Cart button. Remember, this is the only system of its kind There is no other that will give you the edge that the New Science of Forex Trading will No other system offers this brand new technology and these proven formulas for making money trading. You could search online for months and all you will find is old, slow, undependable and unprofitable systems They can t begin to keep up with. the volatility that exists today in the market It s that volatility which is the key to making money As long as you have a system that takes advantage of it. If you miss out on this system it could be years before you see another one that even comes close This is that advanced. So don t let indecision cost you your future The time to take action and start down the path to financial independence is right now. Remember, I am taking all the risk If it doesn t work like I say it does, you won t have spent a penny All you have to do is give it a try and you will very quickly realize that making money is way easier than you have been lead to believe And that it s massively easier than working for a living. Grab your copy right now and I will see you in the member s area. FAQ s Q Can a new trader learn this system. A Absolutely, a new trader can learn this trading system There is an advantage to being a new trader, they don t have bad habits or preconceived notions that make learning something new difficult Of course, there is a bit of a learning curve, but for a new trader, this curve can be quick With the help provided in the members area, the time it takes to learn the New Science Of Forex Trading NSOFT will be cut down immensely Remember, we have a trader on call and regular webinars especially to help new traders. Q A lot of systems seem complicated will I be able to do this. A The techniques in the NSOFT are easy to follow that s why I can recommend it for new traders also Aside from the numerous examples and live trades to show you how to apply them, I will also be available to answer any question and help you understand how to trade the system better. Q Can I trade NSOFT with a full time job. A One of the reasons I started to trade this system is that I don t have as much time to trade as I used to in the past In the same way, people with full time jobs don t have much time to spend trading I will definitely teach you how to trade your way around a full time job I understand that most new traders, and even those who have been trading for a while now, do so with a full time job Anyone can trade this system in just a couple hours per day, and there s a few ways you can do it. Q Will the NSOFT work on any charting software. A The method can only be traded using the free MetaTrader4 platform If you are a new trader or you have not used this platform before, I have prepared an enti re DVD to show you exactly how to use it The MetaTrader 4 trading software is very easy to use, that s why it is the preferred platform of many traders. A On average, I normally win - 80 of the time using the New Science Of Forex Trading but this percentage may vary from trader to trader In the beginning your result will be probably less than mine, but I will work with you until you are achieving similar results. Q What time of day can I trade with the system. A You can trade whenever you see a signal, no matter the time except in instances mentioned in the manual like when there are some high impact news events imminent or a trading session is opening. A NSOFT will work well on any currency pair, so if you have a few favorites, go ahead and trade them If you DO choose to trade lower timeframes like the 5 minute or even 1 minute, you will want to keep your trades limited to the pairs with lower spreads because otherwise spreads could eat your profits. Q How much money do I need to get start ed. A To get started, I would suggest no money at all Trade on a demo account and prove that you are comfortable with the system and that you can make regular profits Once you do decide to go live, start with the smallest amount possible your broker could offer, like a micro account for example Never trade with money you cannot afford to lose, see the CAUTION at the end of this page This is not a get rich quick scheme Just be sensible and use common sense. Q Is there a monthly subscription or is it a one-time fee. A New Science Of Forex Trading which includes the 6 DVDs, a trading manual, cheat sheets, members area, webinars and all the bonuses, are all for a one-time only fee You will also have unlimited access to the private members only area for 6 months. Q Is NSOFT a trading robot or a manual trading strategy. A It is a manual trading system that comes with a trading assistant to help identify and signal you when a trade set up occurs. Q Is NSOFT a trend following or a trend reversal sys tem. A In the NSOFT system we have both trend following and reversal entry types Of course, trading with the trend is definitely the most profitable way to trade especially for new traders and that s why I am recomment starting with that first. A For many years, I have dedicated a lot of time helping fellow traders Teaching and trading are two of my passions in life. Q Is NSOFT a scalping, intraday or swing trading method. A It is all of the above It can absolutely be used to scalp the 5 minute and even the 1 minute timeframes, but you can also use it very effectively on the 4 hour, daily or weekly timeframes The system works on every timeframe. Q How many trades a day can I expect with NSOFT. A This depends on a few different things the timeframe you trade, how many pairs do you trade, your time for trading and lastly but maybe the most important point, based on the market behavior or how the market is moving at the time You can expect more trading set ups on lower timeframes than on higher ones. REMEMBER If you take the 2-Payment option 650 X 2 , you will never need to make another payment once you have covered the price of the system You receive all the benefits of a once off payment of 997 Either payment option will give you access to the full course and the members area for 6 months Your training will start tomorrow, and above and beyond everything I have mentioned, you will also receive specially prepared video training until your course arrives You will receive some very special bonuses during the next weeks and months if you act today. CAUTION HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE MANY INHERENT LIMITATIONS, SOME OF WHICH ARE DESCRIBED BELOW NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFITS OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN IN FACT, THERE ARE FREQUENTLY SHARP DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND THE ACTUAL RESULTS SUBSEQUENTLY ACHIEVED BY ANY PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM. ONE OF THE LIMITATIONS OF HYPOTHETICAL PERFO RMANCE RESULTS IS THAT THEY ARE GENERALLY PREPARED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT IN ADDITION, HYPOTHETICAL TRADING DOES NOT INVOLVE FINANCIAL RISK, AND NO HYPOTHETICAL TRADING RECORD CAN COMPLETELY ACCOUNT FOR THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL RISK IN ACTUAL TRADING FOR EXAMPLE, THE ABILITY TO WITHSTAND LOSSES OR TO ADHERE TO A PARTICULAR TRADING PROGRAM IN SPITE OF TRADING LOSSES ARE MATERIAL POINTS WHICH CAN ALSO ADVERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS THERE ARE NUMEROUS OTHER FACTORS RELATED TO THE MARKETS IN GENERAL OR TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ANY SPECIFIC TRADING PROGRAM WHICH CANNOT BE FULLY ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE PREPARATION OF HYPOTHETICAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND ALL OF WHICH CAN ADVERSELY AFFECT ACTUAL TRADING RESULTS. At all times any and all information on, or product purchased from, this website, is for educational purposes only and is under no circumstance intended to provide financial advice No guarantee is represented from any statements about profits or income, whether express or im plied As no trading system is guaranteed, your actual trading may result in losses You will at all times accept the full responsibilities for all of your actions, including but not limited to trades, profit or loss You agree to hold Toshko Raychev, the site legal owners, AT and any authorized distributors of this information at all times harmless in any and all ways By using our product s this constitutes your acceptance of our user agreement. You agree by using this site and related sites of ours and any of our material content you may receive either from such site or in any other form and that, accepting our terms and conditions of purchase that you agree that you, and you alone, must ensure that the use of any of the materials purchased from our site in any manner or form at all, is in compliance with your national, local, federal, state or county laws. CFTC - U S Government Required Disclaimer. Forex, Futures and options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential ri sk You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets Don t trade with money you can t afford to lose Our website and product contents and materials are neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy Sell futures or options No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on our website or in any materials The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results Substantial risk is involved Forex trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the Forex markets. Don t trade with money you can t afford to lose Nothing in our course or any materials or website s shall be deemed a solicitation or an offer to Buy sell futures and or options No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to a chieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on our site Also, the past performance of any trading methodology is not necessarily indicative of futures results Trading involves high risks and you can lose a lot of money. CFTC RULE 4 41 HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN LIMITATIONS UNLIKE AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE RECORD, SIMULATED RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL TRADING ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT BEEN EXECUTED, THE RESULTS MAY HAVE UNDER-OR-OVER COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS, SUCH AS LACK OF LIQUIDITY SIMULATED TRADING PROGRAMS IN GENERAL ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFIT OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN. This is an image - please TYPE the email address into your email client. 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